Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth signed an order Monday restoring the name of a storied special operations forces base back to Fort Bragg. The North Carolina base was renamed Fort Liberty in 2023 as part of a national effort under the Biden administration to remove names that honored Confederate leaders.
The base’s original namesake, Gen. Braxton Bragg, was a Confederate general from Warrenton, North Carolina, who was known for owning slaves and losing key Civil War battles, contributing to the Confederacy’s downfall.
But the Pentagon spokesman said Hegseth was renaming the base to honor Pfc. Roland L. Bragg, who he said was a World War II hero who earned the Silver Star and Purple Heart for his exceptional courage during the Battle of the Bulge. More
Great sleight of hand, from a SecDef committed to the troops. Pfc. Bragg was actually stationed at Fort Bragg prior to joining 101st Airborne.
Very nice! Very slick! Pete H. gives no basis for objection.
But then it costs over 6 million to repaint the name all over everything! Again. Ugh.
Now do Fort Hood!
That’s something to “Bragg” about!
And yet NO JFK, RFK, MLK, or EPSTEIN FILES. Thanks for the priorities.
Ft. Bragg is Ft. Bragg again, and straws are plastic again, as the Good Lord intended them to be.
@MrLiberty — It’s been, what, twenty-two days? Perhaps you don’t understand his strategy as has been evidenced by the sequence of events. President Trump is going for the jugular of the deep state by forcing the unitary executive issue to the SCOTUS as quickly as possible while he has such a strong upper hand.
@Uncle Al
I’m hoping that these highly visible acts in the recent weeks are actually distractions to keep the press and crooked dc slimeballs focused on them as the real work to expose what MrLiberty mentions above is happening behind the scenes.
If you have watched President Trump’s strategies in the past you should recognize this is probably what is going on.
Fort Hood!
Federal judge waddles up with an injunktion in 5…4…3…2…
On to Ft. Benning!
… and Ft. Rucker!
Gen. Forrest should have a fort named after him. He was a great leader and cavalryman.
So he started the Ku Klux Klan. BFD. He left it after a year.
My biggest reason is that it’ll make liberals have apoplectic fits, whatever they are, followed by constipation, diarrhea, psoriasis, uncontrollable dandruff, ankle swelling, poopy pants, foul breath, etc.
Having constipation and diarrhea at the same time will teach them dumbasses.
Leftist Dumbass Guy at the Druggist counter: Sir, will this ex-lax stuff cure my constipation?
Druggist: Certainly it will cure your constipation, Sir.
Guy: Will it also cure my diarrhea?
Druggist: Yes, sir but you have to triple the dosage. In a day or two your insides will be completely empty. No more diarrhea.
Guy: Thank you!
Druggist: If you’re not completely cleaned out in two days, c’mon back. We have a lot of it one the shelf over there. And we’re open 24 hours a day for your convenience.
Ex Lax is no joke, Tim. It is one of the most powerful substances in the known universe. It can even knock the shit out of Superman!!
That’s an ancient joke. First heard that one over 50 years ago