Fort McCoy Turned Into “Village” Of The Afghan – IOTW Report

Fort McCoy Turned Into “Village” Of The Afghan


President Joe Biden’s administration has turned Fort McCoy in Monroe County, Wisconsin, into a “small city” for Afghans brought to the United States, including “culturally appropriate clothing and food,” a new report details.

As part of Biden’s massive resettlement operation, about 53,000 Afghans are currently temporarily living on eight U.S. military bases in Wisconsin, New Jersey, Texas, Indiana, New Mexico, and Virginia.

Fort McCoy is housing the most Afghans of all the bases, according to a report by Time magazine, and has become a small city of sorts for the new arrivals who have not completed immigration processing. More

16 Comments on Fort McCoy Turned Into “Village” Of The Afghan

  1. Culturally appropriate clothong should mean blue jeans and shirts.afterall, they are guests in OUR country and they must respect OUR culture and way of life, not the other way around. Or, well, ship them out

  2. Their culture in Afghanistan wasn’t worth fighting for and preserving by them so we bring that culture and them here in order to preserve it here! Sounds about right! Well at least we won’t have to travel all the way over there to fight them when our cultures conflict!

  3. Yes! What POSSIBLY could go wrong – other than rapes, beatings, honor killings, bacha bazi, IEDs, tribal murders, constant complaints about our “cultural insensitivity” and resistance to total submission to the newcomers?
    Nature abhors a vacuum…

  4. Meanwhile, my idiot Senator, democrap Jeff Merkley sent an email crying about the lack of “affordable housing” in Oregon. If he thinks there is a housing shortage now, just wait until we dump a half million Afghans along with the 2 million illegals into America.

  5. There’s going to be a huge mess to clean up wherever they’re at.
    People getting constant free stuff place no value on any of it, no vested interest.
    One look at most Indian reservations will show you this.
    How about they work it off to show their thanks?


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