Founder of BDS Movement is Denied Entrance in the United States – IOTW Report

Founder of BDS Movement is Denied Entrance in the United States


On Thursday, Omar Barghouti, a Qatari-born Palestinian-Arab best known as a co-founder and international leader of the inherently anti-Semitic “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” movement that incites economic warfare and sundry other forms of “lawfare” against the world’s only Jewish state, attempted to board a flight from Israel’s Ben Gurion International Airport to the United States. Barghouti was scheduled to make stops at various U.S. universities, meet with federal lawmakers in Washington, D.C., and also attend his daughter’s wedding.

But in a stunning move, U.S. immigration authorities did not allow Barghouti, described by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs as “a famous Hamas leader in the West Bank,” to board the U.S.-bound flight.


19 Comments on Founder of BDS Movement is Denied Entrance in the United States

  1. Reposted from article on Conference on Gaza at UNC Descends into Jew Hatefest…..People are so gullible that they fall for whatever some thug tells them. The arabs behind this are no different than Che, Castro, south American drug cartels or any other tyrant in history.
    The innovations in technology and medicine by Israel are being ignored and banned. How many arabs have been saved by Israeli doctors? How many Israelis have been saved by arab doctors?
    Get the damn arabs out of our schools and out of our governments.

  2. I hope the in flight movie both ways was ‘True Lies’.

    I’d have gone with ‘Top Gun’ but ‘True Lies’ has a terrorist strapped to a missile on a jet that’s shot through a building and into a helicopter.

  3. The Constitution forbids forcing acceptance of ANY religion on the American people. Israel “the world’s only Jewish state” is a foreign, sovereign NATION, but its religion does not have legal control over the US. And neither should Israel’s government control the US government. Why does it?

    The Trump-Netanyahu Ticket Wins the Israeli Election
    Under Trump, the U.S. is no longer playing good-cop-bad-cop with Israel in the Middle East. Now, it’s just two bad cops.
    by Alexander Rubinstein

    Politics 4/10/19
    FL Governor DeSantis Announces Cabinet Meeting In Israel
    Ron DeSantis is just fine with taxpayers and lobbyists footing the bill for the state cabinet to meet in a foreign country to conduct official state business.
    By Karoli Kuns

    BDS is no different than when South Africa was being targeted for being apartheid. It made S.A. a Black Communist controlled country, so it worked. Israel is howling because BDS is advertising just how criminal Israel is to non-Jews in its own country. Remember, a whole lot of Americans are non-Jews, too, always at risk. AIPAC and JINSA see to that.

  4. CIA/Pentagoons never provide factual data.
    JTucker, Palestine fact:
    The British Army in Palestine
    “In 1917, the British Balfour Declaration promised to support the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine. This was in order to win Jewish support for Britain’s First World War effort.”
    “In 1920, Britain assumed responsibility for Palestine under a League of Nations Mandate. During the next two decades over 100,000 Jews entered the country.”

    MarkWebb, Facts to you:
    Israel and 9/11

    Israeli spying in the USA: Suppressed four-part Fox News series with Carl Cameron
    byFox News
    Publication date 2001-12-12

    Pounding sand to make a sand castle. More to follow.

  5. A.Moose, Israel’s sand castles are made with US $billions and US stolen technology.
    Israel is a monetary parasite robbing Americans. Anything Israelis accomplish are done on at least $3 billion a year, plus stealing US technology–like spy Jonathon pollard did, and he got sent back to Israel.

    ‘Best $3bn investment we make’: Biden quip about US-Israel ties sets Twitter on edge
    Published time: 9 Apr, 2019 10:04
    FILE PHOTO Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) laughs with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Jerusalem March 9, 2010 © Reuters / Debbie Hill

    Jonathan Pollard, American Who Spied for Israel, Released After 30 Years

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