Four Congressmen, Including a Jan 6. Committee Member, Called CNN Because They Were ‘Devastated’ at Losing Jeff Zucker – IOTW Report

Four Congressmen, Including a Jan 6. Committee Member, Called CNN Because They Were ‘Devastated’ at Losing Jeff Zucker

National Pulse: Upon Jeff Zucker’s resignation as President of CNN, several members of Congress called reporters from the network to express how they were “devastated for our democracy,” according to a report from Vanity Fair.

The former CNN president attributed his resignation to failing to properly report a relationship with a colleague and comes amidst turmoil at the network over plummeting viewership and pedophilia scandals.

A Vanity Fair article – “This Does Not Fit the Crime”: CNN Employees Continue to Push Back on the Fall of Jeff Zucker – details the response of Zucker’s colleagues to his resignation along with several members of U.S. Congress.

One member sits on the January 6th committee, according to the report about a Wednesday meeting between CNN’s Washington bureau and Jason Kilar, CEO of parent company WarnerMedia, who made the decision that Zucker could not remain with the company”: read more

11 Comments on Four Congressmen, Including a Jan 6. Committee Member, Called CNN Because They Were ‘Devastated’ at Losing Jeff Zucker

  1. Chuckie “Cheese” Schumer and Nancy PigLosi issued a joint statement stating that “The greatest threat to our democracy is the “resignation” of Jeff Zucker from CNN. Further, the overwhelming majority of Americans want him rehired immediately.”

  2. ^^^ Let me be clear, I do not consider someone having sex with a subordinate as sexual harassment. Adults can choose to consort with any other adult, however, #MeToo and others do not necessarily see it that way. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy.

  3. “The first calls I got this morning were from four members of the January 6 committee, who felt devastated for our democracy, BECAUSE JEFF WAS NOT GOING TO BE AROUND TO MAKE SURE THAT CNN IS ABLE TO DO ITS JOB”.

    What “job” would that be? Did Zucker and the J6 Committee have a plan in place? Be nice if someone would ask Pelosi and Schiff that question…

  4. There’s that latest propaganda again: “…our democracy!”

    (Hey, that tactic is as irritating as the obese guy who elbowed his way into the rack of jeans Fur was looking at.)

  5. “devastated for our democracy,”

    What a bunch of piss-ants. Little crying babies in diapers.

    “devastated” is a way overused word and we are not a democracy, which is also way overused and not even accurate for a republic.

  6. I’m almost certain that MSNBC will take up the slack when the Collusion Nonsense Network stops being the Dementiacrat’s Ministry of Propaganda. They’ve got it covered. Mourning Joe and Mika will fill the breach, hoisting their own petards, hosing the truth and spewing their bile. PBS will raise the false flags and reclaim their claim to be the official Prevaricating Bull Shit channel. Maybe Al Franken will reappear on the scene.

  7. While “devastate” is way overused, “decimate” is not. Example: I’d like to decimate the Demoncraps and RINOs that are hell-bent on destroying America. Execute every 10th one of the bastards to start with.


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