“Four men died so Obama could win reelection”: Email proves Hillary Clinton knew Al-Qaeda carried out Benghazi attack – IOTW Report

“Four men died so Obama could win reelection”: Email proves Hillary Clinton knew Al-Qaeda carried out Benghazi attack

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TheRebel: Late last week, we heard the most damning revelation so far in the Congressional Benghazi hearings.


An email Hillary Clinton sent to her daughter (and later deleted from her secret server) proves she knew all along that Al Qaeda had been behind the attack on the US consulate in Libya.

But it was vital that Hillary keep that a secret.

10 Comments on “Four men died so Obama could win reelection”: Email proves Hillary Clinton knew Al-Qaeda carried out Benghazi attack

  1. The Peoples’ Broadcasting System and National Socialist Radio have your back, skank…

    “YOCHI DREAZEN: I think the most interesting moment by far was when Congressman Jim Jordan was saying to her, in some detail, that you, Secretary Clinton, told your family in one e-mail that this was an attack linked by al-Qaida, that you said in a phone call with an Egyptian leader that this was not something tied to an anti-Muslim video, and then saying, but the talking points coming out of the White House at the time were, this wasn’t al-Qaida and this was linked to this video….

    WOODRUFF: But, for the audience, why does it matter? Why did that — why does it matter whether she was saying one thing? Because she tried to say, well, I was trying to warn other countries. We didn’t want to see this thing happening anyplace else.”


  2. OK, so now we all know it, she lied, again-what now? Her supporters could view email proof she sent to the attackers the keys to Stevens’ front door and it still wouldn’t matter.

    These are the very same people that saw the nightmare of an Obama first term and voted to reelect him.

    And their numbers are growing-they’re importing literally millions of like minded, big government supporters. They will soon swamp us in our own country.

    You can bet your ass if Hillary is elected, they will start some sort of gun confiscation-oh they’re color as a “buy back” or some such bullshit but that will be item #1 on her agenda. Every tyrant knows you must first disarm the population for utter control.

    So again, what now?

    Who’s gonna stand up and say a couple million armed men and women need to march in DC? Who’s that gonna be?

  3. I want her to lose.
    I want her to be denied.
    I want to see that face, shrouded with anger and disappointment
    Then I want to see her jailed.
    And as long as I’m dreaming;
    Then I want to hear how she was killed in a prison during her gang rape by a Muslim Dyke Gang.

  4. 10 hours? didn’t they prohibit cruel and unusual punishment a long time ago? and if someone did listen to it, there isn’t enough room in the loony bins around the country now.

  5. funny we still don’t know who gave the stand down orders, or where hillary and obama were during the attack and what they were doing and who they were communicating to at the time of the attack do we?

    why was the Benghazi compound opened in the first place?

    all the money spent for an investigation and we haven’t received answers to the most important questions, why?

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