Fox Bint Suddenly Changes Her Story- No Neck Grab In Montana – IOTW Report

Fox Bint Suddenly Changes Her Story- No Neck Grab In Montana

Michelle Fields… is that you??


A reporter who was a firsthand witness to an incident late Wednesday involving Montana GOP candidate Greg Gianforte and a reporter for the Guardian now admits she may have misstated some details of her initial story.

Ingraham asked Acuna if that meant she was changing her story.

“Again, just to clarify, he didn’t grab him by the neck with both hands in the way that was initially described, that’s not quite accurate,” Ingraham asked at the end of the interview.

“​No, so it wasn’t like he grabbed him around the neck, he had one hand on each side of his neck,” Acuna confirmed.


30 Comments on Fox Bint Suddenly Changes Her Story- No Neck Grab In Montana

  1. But all night the Fox News talking heads were pretending that Acuna never walked back her original statements from Wednesday night. They were breathlessly spouting that Acuna was the most reliable of super reliable reporters and she had said that Gianforte grabbed the Guardian reporter by the neck and “body slammed” him.

    The audio speaks volumes as far as I’m concerned. If I (or Bad Brad) had actually body slammed this pansy assed reporter, he wouldn’t have been able to complain about broken glasses and his more urgent issue would have been about broken bones. It couldn’t have been much of a tussle or the “reporter” wouldn’t have been able to whine about his treatment immediately after like he did.

    Fox News is careening leftward faster than Hillary can make excuses for why she lost.

  2. Trying to picture grabbing someone with two hands around the neck and body slam to the ground. Doesn’t seem possible, but grabbing a guys wrist and him pulling back resisting would put you off balance. Likely they fell on the ground.

  3. Oh, wow. I actually had no idea that the reporter who lied about the ‘assault’ was from Faux Snooze… this is rather sad. How fast is that network going south? Just.. honestly.

  4. Democrats are upset Republican stole from their playbook and won.

    Use violence to shut up the opposition. In this case, by the way, the opposition media breathlessly reported it was a VERY CLOSE RACE – only 2 points separated the candidates.

    Gianforte won by almost 7 points in spite of the massive pile on on voting day.

    Thanks, dimocrites. We’ll use what you taught us in Berkeley, UCLA, Chicago, Missouri, Middlebury….

  5. the bints story would have mattered only if he lost.

    glad the fake news didn’t cost him the election.

    by the way, it looked more like he was trying to throw a “whizzer” on him and not a body slam, their positions provided the wrong center of gravity for a body slam.

  6. Looks like they were wrestling. The media finally got a Republican to snap but in the end it backfired. A bunch of people from Montana called into Rush yesterday and they were more excited to vote GOP after this incident.

  7. The reporter needs to be fired immediately. She put a story out there that was wrong in a number of ways and she is in the business of seeing events and correctly describing them to the public. FoxNews is sliding back and conservatives are going to lose the only (mostly) even handed and less biased source of information out there. There was talk that another newsgroup was going to start a conservative network but I forget who it was. I hope they do and they attract the worthwhile Fox talent.

  8. Gianforte won, so it looks like the public is ok with an in-your-face reporter getting his ass kicked. I know that I don’t have a problem with it, reporters are way too aggressive today, and they don’t bother to actually get facts, they just want to incite a reaction. And if they can’t get a reaction, then they will invent a lie, such as Acuna’s story.

  9. a foreign press member opens a closed door of an individual’s office, starts asking questions, is asked to leave and then physically removed. do i have the facts?

  10. Zonga
    If that is indeed the video there’s a lot more that went on here than they are telling us. Gianforte has some wrestling experience, although extremely rusty. He’s “Sprawling” a defensive maneuver used when someone take a shot at your legs. The key word here is “Defensive”. In order to get into that position the other guy had to have been on the offense. The other guy also continues to pursue a leg.
    Trying to “Body Slam” someone the reporters size, not that he’s that big, while they are static takes an enormous amount of strength. Try and body slam a 50 pound sack of flour. Not that easy. This smells.

  11. Further to my prior comment the company that was thinking about starting a conservative news channel was Scripps Corporation. They own s0me TV channels, some smaller newspapers but more importantly UPI so they have the news chops. So as Fox slides left if Scripps jumped in they could probably get the Fox actual reporters and conservative commentators and get half the audience fairly quickly. Sure would be interesting.

  12. Glad to see Gianforte win. As far as ‘pajama-boy” reporter is concerned, if it had been me, I would have broken more than just his bloody glasses. And, Fox has now slide down the ladder a few more points with me, and I certainly won;t be paying any attention to what this Acuna broad has to say anymore. CRTV, here I come.

  13. Scr_north – You’re thinking of Sinclair Broadcast Group. Conservative leaning, 2nd largest operation of its kind in the US behind Nexstar Media Group. 173 stations in 100 markets. Sounds to me that they intend to replace Fox as the voice of conservatives in the4 immediate future. Works for me.

  14. Bravo, Gianforte.
    I hope this little 3 second high school corridor shoving match is what put him over the top with Montana voters.
    He’d have my vote.

    FOX continues to destroy its remnants of credibility and drive viewers away.
    The Murdoch heirs are too rich to care. But the viewership is definitely there for a new startup genuinely Patriot news network.
    51% of the country are currently unserved by network news.
    That’s a helluva audience/advertising base.

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