Fox Employee Fired For Putting “Wannabe Dictator” Chyron Under Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Fox Employee Fired For Putting “Wannabe Dictator” Chyron Under Joe Biden


The caption aired Tuesday night on a split screen featuring Biden and Donald Trump, who had been arraigned hours earlier. “Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested,” it read. Carlson didn’t mention the producer by name, but the Daily Beast reports it was former Tucker Carlson Tonight managing editor Alexander McCaskill.

The DB says it confirmed McCaskill’s exit by looking at his Instagram feed, where he said he was no longer with Fox. “I asked them to let me go, and they finally did,” he wrote. The chyron wasn’t on air for long, but screenshots went viral on social media, and the news channel later said it was addressing the incident. Commenting on his Twitter show, Carlson said network heads “scolded the producer who put the banner on the screen,” adding that the producer resigned “less than 24 hours” later.

Fox News hasn’t addressed the matter since its statement acknowledging the chyron. Forbes points out there were other chyrons on the same broadcast that were similar but did not receive the same notice, such as one referring to special counsel Jack Smith as “the man who is out to get Trump.” 


11 Comments on Fox Employee Fired For Putting “Wannabe Dictator” Chyron Under Joe Biden

  1. When I was at ABC there were two Chyron Operators. They were Union. Producers (who were some other union) could not touch such a thing.

  2. Like any good joke it went viral because it’s true. He got fired because it wasn’t state approved.

    The archives would likely reveal similar chyrons unbecoming of Trump where CNN employees were paid bonuses.

    This is the west’s version of Kim Jong Un banning Winnie the Pooh.

  3. Will the real wannabe dictator please stand up. You all know who he is, he idolizes Lil Kim, Vlad & Xi for they have what he wants, a dictatorship.
    Instead of listening to his lawyers Trump chose to take the advice of Tom Fitton head of the far right-wing group Judicial Watch.
    No wonder his lawyers quit, having a client who doesn’t want to follow their sound legal advice compounded with a person known to stiff just about everyone,they chose to wash their hands of him. Now thats a sound judgement call. We”ll see how listening to dumbass Tom Fitton works out for him.

    This has everything to do with the Presidential Act of 1978. Biden has nothing to do with Trump’s flagrant disregard of this law.

    “Oh mama I’m in fear for my life and the long arm of the law. Hangman is coming down from the gallows and it won’t be very long”. “Wanted Man” – Tommy Shaw


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