Fox News Completes Its Purge – IOTW Report

Fox News Completes Its Purge

Daily Caller

Fox News has fired the remaining staffers from Tucker Carlson’s show as the network announces a new primetime lineup, Daily Caller confirmed Monday.

The network let go of at least nine remaining staffers, including long-standing producers, in a move described as “shockingly callous” by one former Fox News producer who spoke to the Daily Caller.

“Some of the producers fired have been at Fox for well over a decade,” the producer told the Daily Caller. More

19 Comments on Fox News Completes Its Purge

  1. AM Radio should have been the model for FOX.
    Seriously… AM radio was considered as a dead medium until they focused on talent and content, content, content baaybee!

    – and nobody had better talent and content than Tucker!
    So go ahead and throw away good talent FOX… since you haven’t made any smart moves lately!

  2. TRF, in my neck of the woods (SE Mich) they have pretty much purged AM radio with the removal of Bongino.
    Now we have Kilmeade, Hewitt and some other replacement for Dan. I’m back to the Classic Rock FM.

  3. DT – maybe so, but I’m talking about the late 70s and the major resurgence in audience up to today. That’s a pretty significant span!
    They tried AMAX (increased fidelity) – FAIL!
    They tried AM Stereo – FAIL!
    What made the difference was the talent and content. Sure there will be changes, but content is King.

  4. I had the DVR set to record Gutfeld. I dropped the recording last week. I was fast forwarding through much of the show. I couldn’t stand the homosexual guests, his inuendo borderline homosexual comments regarding some male guests, the weird fat Joey character, and the divorced guy from Alaska.
    Basically, Tyrus and Kat carried a lot of the show. None of it was worth staying up to midnight to watch live.
    Moving him 10:00 conflicts with Greg Kelly on newsmax.
    Laura is okay, but at 60, never married, and adopting those foreign children, her lifestyle seems strange.
    I’ve enjoyed some of Jesse’s opening segments, but never really enjoyed watching an entire episode.
    Hannity is Hannity. I sometimes listen on the radio and catch som of his show if there is an interview I like.

  5. I have a ´PURGED NEWS´ question,
    as goggle has deplatformed advertising for WEASEL ZIPPERS, leading to current shutdown.
    Is this the end of WZ?
    Where is the alternate¿

  6. Leftist operation;

    1. Identify a respected institution.
    2. kill it.
    3. gut it.
    4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
    David Burge@iowahawkblog

  7. I don’t even watch Fox videos on YouTube. Today I saw a video with John Kennedy. When I saw that he was on Fox, I went back to check. He had posted it so I watched it. I don’t want to give the Fox YouTube channel the traffic.

    I have not seen a Gutfeld video since Tucker was fired. I agree, the show is Tyrus and to a certain extent Kat. Some of the other people are OK. I can’t help but think that Gutfeld is just as pompous as he acts like he is and his gay innuendos passed their sell-by date a long time ago.

    Tyrus and Bo Snerdly would make a great radio show.

  8. Wow. Yeah. If a trusted site like here or CT posted a Tucker monologue I would watch it. In Ohio with my parents-they only watch FoxNews-I’m a captive audience. Never a fan of Gutfeld’s show (sorry). Hannity, bleh. Ingram, so so. For national urgent news I’ll watch it over CNN or MSNBC. Otherwise, I read Twitter and click between my other preferred online righty blogs. So, they won’t miss me in their demo but then again they won’t gain me as a new viewer to RINOtv either.

  9. “Tyrus and Bo Snerdly would make a great radio show.”

    Wow, I never thought of that. But do it on TeeVee. That’s ratings gold. Good observation. I’ll bet your wife suggested that. LOL

  10. Have you noticed, leftist aren’t calling it “Faux News” or even paying attention to the network anymore? They know they’ve compromised Roger Aile’s creation and destroyed its legitimacy. It’s not worth their hating on it anymore.


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