Fox News Drifts Further to Port – IOTW Report

Fox News Drifts Further to Port

It’s time to drain the Fox News swamp as well.

I watched the 2020 Republican National Convention on C-Span, largely because the screen is uncluttered with banners and preview windows and they hang around at the end of such events for awhile, particularly when President Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, or First Lady Melania is the speaker. I would try to turn to Fox for analysis only to see first up the shining visage of a Marie Harf or a Juan Williams, the Democrat who has lately been obsessing about something called “QAnon violence” whatever that is.

Mornings at Fox have not been much better, with the likes former DNC chair Donna Brazile who, on Tuesday morning’s episode, lost it entirely when questioned about the DNC’s failure to address and accept responsibility for the anarchy, rioting, looting, burning, and deaths resulting from the Democratic Party’s push to empty the prisons, defund and otherwise neuter the police, and to not arrest or prosecute vigorously those perpetrating the violence.

23 Comments on Fox News Drifts Further to Port

  1. Brazile can kiss my ass. Another schreecy REgressive knee-grow that thinks talking fast and talking over people makes her a winner. She’s a fucking cunt. Always has been. Uses her race for Get Out of Jail Cards, fuck you bitch.

    I have seen both segments referenced in this article and all I can say is she’s a fucking low life, contemptible scumbag. Why in the world she’s given any platform to spew this crap is a mystery.

    As for Juan, another POS. Man I’ll tell you, I wish they had Gutfeld’s show back when all of these guys sat together because I think Greg would have kicked some ass he’s gotten so POed.

    Plus I miss that huge dude, what’s his name? Also Perino is another X Bushie and it shows. Ugh.

  2. Best thing I ever did was get rid of Satellite TV. Fox has been ignorant for some time and after hiring Ryan they got even worse.
    I watch some clips from time to time online, but they get none of my money.

  3. I have been drifting away from Fox for awhile now, although I will watch Tucker, Levin and Greg on occasion.

    The First TV, and Newsmax have good programming, and it’s nice that the host’s let the guest’s talk without interrupting all the time or talking over each other.

  4. ^^^ Agree, Miss Kitty … all I ever watch anymore is Tucker & Levin & Greg on the weekends, when I can.^^^

    tune into Newsmax, ’cause that’s all Xfinity/Comcast/NBC has in my local area

  5. I like watching Juan on ‘The Five’…..they fuck with him soooooo very hard and he doesn’t even realize it because he’s just that dumb, really dumb….Donna Brazile is almost as dumb, but that’s like comparing a flat tire to one that is blown out, shredded, flipping tire fragments, sparks, fire and squirrel guts…

  6. Harf, Ghoulsbee, Brazille, Juan and several more should be sent to cover Greenland. They don’t realize that they are only comic relief and think they are really smart……..

  7. I call her Donna Ba-shrill, but I do not listen to her. Or the other nutjobs they pair her with. Immediate channel change. Missing out on hearing what the sane ones would have to say.

    Likewise, I like Dan Bongino, but too often they pair him with Geraldo Rivera, click. Sean sometimes has interesting guests, but he doesn’t let them say anything, click.

    Victor Davis Hanson, must have been savvy enough to only agree to be on alone with the host, so I do get to hear what he has to say.

  8. My mom was watching the RNC on Faux and when it was over I just about hit the roof as soon as I saw Donna Brazile and Karl Rove.

    I demanded that she turn it off and she said that I was acting crazy- but I don’t think that I was overreacting. >>

  9. Fox has been in the GWB far left forever.
    3/09 when Congress was “debating” RomneyCare the 2 most liberal nets said Party was wasting time with KS vote. They BOTH said Americans favored RomneyCare 9:1..Both the GWB Fox and the Clinton News Net said 90% of us favored RomneyCAre. A year later when Ks had to vote ; voters were against RomeneyCare 3:1. Only 25% of real Americans wanted RomneyCare!

    But Fox + CNN said 3/09 – 90% of s wanted RomneyCare. No one has been more left than Fox.

    GWB left; not Clinton left. But left none the less!

    Which is why they hired the Ronny hating GWB loving Chris from NBC. He hated Ronny at NBC but lover the progressive GWB, still loves Bush! The Bush lover Chris did “Meet thePress” many yers ago. Loved Bush then as he does today!

  10. I still find it hard to believe that with a murdoch running FOX people think that the company is a “right-wing” organization…LOL

    The other thing I still find hard to believe is that people still turn to the TEE-VEE for news and important information and the whiny karen that complains in the above article acts like there is no such thing as the internet!!!

    I watched every single night of the RNC on the interwebs without the built-in delays, falshes to a woke karen talking head, or (YECK) commercials.

    Supporting anti-american companies that endorse/give money to rioters and terrorists or provide ANY kind of aid to them puts them on my “never again” list of companies that will NEVER see one penny from me…. EVER AGAIN!!!

    BTW, thank you for the previous article that links to the list of nearly 300 “american” companies that do just that in the name “fairness” with the proof conveniently provided right next to their names!

    I will be spreading THAT information far & wide along with the “stunning” news that the CDC has been lying all along about the factual number of Wuhan deaths inside CONUS.

  11. When they brought on Donna Brazile I deleted them from my speed dial links in my Opera browser. Honesty with the Clinton election debate questions showed her character clearly. Why put her on the news team???? There are other news sites that I trust much more.

  12. We don’t have any cable provider now. We have a Roku tv. It’s really nice.
    We have Pluto. Free. Newsmax is one of the networks available. It’s amazing how many former Fox people are there. Not the leftists or Bushies either.
    We have OANN, First and some other conservative news channels. They have liberal ones too but you don’t have to watch them.
    I didn’t realize how much I don’t miss cable til this week.
    We are on vacation and the tv is cable.
    Every other ad is selling sickness and the pharma companies. Tons of shows and ads promoting crap programming about how racist we are.


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