Fox News Host Steve Hilton Is Considering Running for Governor – IOTW Report

Fox News Host Steve Hilton Is Considering Running for Governor

Fox News Host Steve Hilton Is Considering Running for Governor Because Commiefornia Currently Sucks.

8 Comments on Fox News Host Steve Hilton Is Considering Running for Governor

  1. ^^^^^ I’m trying (desperately) to think of any Republican that could win the governorship of this state. He can’t be a carpetbagger, must be homegrown and business savvy. The only guy I can come up with Peter Thiel. Can you think of any?

  2. Rich, the problem I’m seeing is they still need a certain amount of name recognition. Remember Arnold That or they need to run one hell of a campaign. I dunno. Trump DESTROYED all of SoCal management yesterday. He also identified in front of God and everybody that permanent fixture Brad Sherman as the reason no one in SoCal has home owners insurance. What a POS. That press conference was epic. And I’m most certain everyone in SoCal watched it. I’ll keep thinking about the Gov thing. But right now, I have no idea.
    Then again if Trump sticks to his guns and makes voter reform a contingency on Fed Aid, who knows.

  3. ^^^ agree with all that. I just think it is an impossible task for a number of reasons; dems have the majority in the state legislature, and the prog ideology still reigns supreme in all the big cities. Dems still outnumber us two to one, although that ratio is shrinking, but too many voters still buy the bullshit; tax the rich, open the borders/free public services for illegals, don’t prosecute criminals, and DEI the shit out of every job opening. It’s nuts.

  4. Rich

    When I think of the ideal potential Governor of California I tend to think of one of the many conservative Venture Capital guys down in the Silicon Valley. Fiscally, they’re really good. Two problems. They wouldn’t take the pay cut, however Newsom seems to be making money hand over fist, and no name recognition. Right now if I had to pick a guy, Adam Carolla.

  5. Even if the R’s put up a viable candidate with name recognition they would still have to overcome the massive vote (ballot) rigging system that is firmly in place in Commiefornia. Install voter ID and purple fingers and it would be a landslide for a conservative.

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