Fox News in Turmoil as its Popular Streaming Service Crashes and Burns – Staffers Getting Dismissed in Droves – IOTW Report

Fox News in Turmoil as its Popular Streaming Service Crashes and Burns – Staffers Getting Dismissed in Droves

GP: Tucker’s unceremonious dismissal from Fox News continues to have catastrophic consequences for the network.

The Gateway Pundit reported in April that one way Fox News viewers responded to Tucker’s ouster was by cancelling their subscriptions to Fox News’ popular streaming service at “a record rate.

Fox Nation is (was?) a highly profitable subscription on demand video service with a variety of original programming. Tucker and other prominent Fox News anchors have had multiple specials on Fox Nation.

Tucker, though, was the only reason thousands of Americans subscribed to Fox Nation, however. Remarks from social media at the time suggested that the streaming service was about to go bust. more

12 Comments on Fox News in Turmoil as its Popular Streaming Service Crashes and Burns – Staffers Getting Dismissed in Droves

  1. FOX was ALWAYS on at my house. That stopped the day they fired Tucker. Have not had them on one single time. Now its OAN. Takes a little getting use to, a slightly different format. But they’re a hell of a lot better than anything currently on FOX.

  2. Pretty soon there won’t be much choice as the Cable companies are shutting down the linear broadcasts in favor of streaming (which means no more channel surfing) at which point you will have to buy a platform with a lot of trash on it and/or the individual channels that you want, like TCM or FOX. When that point comes FOX will not be a choice for me, especially after this fiasco. Rupert Murdoch is kind of like Biden from that standpoint that he has the Grim Reaper perched on his shoulder and needs to hang it up. Lachlan Murdoch is a member of the Lucky Sperm club and hasn’t demonstrated a damn thing to be proud of!
    Bye bye FOX. It was good while it lasted, but shooting yerself in both feet AND the dick is no path to success!

  3. They had there best year ever. Wouldn’t Tucker have been on Fox Nation for much of the year?

    “We had a great year although the guy whom we fired was there for 83% of it, but we will still use that to show how good we are doing.”

  4. Tucker Carlson showed some clips of his.
    They used to play sample shows on the weekends to try to get people to subscribe.
    Killmeade had a couple good historical shows, e.g. one on San Antonio and Texas battles with Mexico.
    I also liked one on Yellowstone with Kevin Costner.
    I never was motivated to subscribe.


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