Fox News Sunday: Gowdy Discusses IG Report and Friday Night Meeting With FBI and DOJ Leadership – IOTW Report

Fox News Sunday: Gowdy Discusses IG Report and Friday Night Meeting With FBI and DOJ Leadership

CTH: Appearing on Fox News Sunday, House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy discusses the recently released Inspector General report on FBI and DOJ conduct in the run-up to the 2016 election and the exoneration of Hillary Clinton.

Additionally, Chairman Gowdy discusses the meeting held last friday night with FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein. In the meeting Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, along with a group of house chairmen (Gowdy, Nunes, Goodlatte), told the FBI and DOJ the House of Representative will move forward with “floor action” to enforce compliance. WATCH.

SNIP:  For those of you not interested in watching, I’ll sum it up:
Gowdy wore his ‘Boy Band’ hair-do  and made lots of sweeping arm movements.
Very animated. Which left me wondering, how does he breathe through those tiny little nostrils?
Also, he said something about the IG report and implied he was going to do something.
Frankly, I don’t care for his tie /shirt choice for that jacket. Very off-putting.

21 Comments on Fox News Sunday: Gowdy Discusses IG Report and Friday Night Meeting With FBI and DOJ Leadership

  1. Evidently my blood pressure needed throttling this morning so I watched parts of a few Sunday MSM-assholes shows.
    Stupid me! 🙁

    Anyway, the current narrative was that Trump is a liar.
    He lies constantly, eighteen times the other morning was what some asswagon stated.
    Thing was, not a single “lie” was specifically called out.

    One asshole said that Obama only told one lie in eight years.
    That being “if you like your plan…”
    They didn’t even mention the “if you like your doctor…”
    They said that poor Obama was beaten up for that one lie.

    For fucks sake! 🙁

  2. Sorry MJA, could NOT get through that.

    ‘Trey the Little Engine that Could’. Eff Could.

    Chris Wallace??? Really?

    And as for Trey (btw who the eff names a child Trey?von)

    WHAT is with that Beard?


    Paging The Ghost of Mike Wallace….on Dad’s Day.


  3. Honestly, one can only beat his chest for so long. And times up. Wake me up when the perp walks start.

    “Gowdy wore his ‘Boy Band’ hair-do and made lots of sweeping arm movements.”

    Not sure who wrote that, but EXACTLY. I’m done.

  4. Why these people talk about compliance when the rest of the thinking world is asking about prosecution is beyond me.

    The perpetrators already had their chance to comply, now they should be prosecuted.

  5. I admit that I thought Gawdy was the pit bull at the heels of the bad guys. That’s what I get for putting too much trust and faith into someone who isn’t what they project to be. He’s leaving and may become a judge somewhere. He knows that the people he’s fighting is bigger than he is, and maybe smarter.

  6. I found this to be the most illuminating interview that Trey Gowdy has given recently. Gowdy is a team player and a former Federal Prosecutor from South Carolina. I believe that he has been playing a waiting game with Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller. Nobody is going to be indicted and charged until all of the OIG Reports are released. That is going to be three or four months from now. Even after that, it will be several years before these seditious bastards are finally holding their hands up to a glass window to express their regrets to their spouses for trying to rig the outcome of our last Presidential election.

  7. It is without question, put up, or shut up time! Speaking for the collective we, we think you need to get your heads out of your uniparty asses and govern like our country depends on it. Because our country does depend on it. TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!!

  8. I hear you. I’m not holding my breath either. Gowdy is not a Federal Prosecutor now, he is a Congressman. They don’t get to indict anyone. The Democrats and the MSDM are using every delaying tactic in the book to slow walk this while they hope to regain control of Congress. I am willing to wait while this unravels, but I do expect that it will take longer than anyone wants to believe on this site.

  9. Gowdy is good for a self-righteous sound byte or two, but when the rubber hits the road, he doesn’t do a fucking thing to stop deep state corruption, not one goddamn thing. I think that’s his actual job, to convince the public that something will be done when, in reality, not a goddamn thing is gonna change. Fuck Gowdy and his not-quite-as-retarded-as-Owen-Wilson impression.


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