Fox Sports’ Clay Travis: Media Loves Pushing ‘White Privilege’ Stories – IOTW Report

Fox Sports’ Clay Travis: Media Loves Pushing ‘White Privilege’ Stories

Breitbart: Thursday, on Fox Sports radio’s “Outkick the Coverage,” host Clay Travis accused the media of pushing “white privilege.”

Travis said the media ran with stories such as Ryan Lochte’s time in Brazil and Peyton Manning’s mooning 20 years ago in order to show white males behaving badly, even before all of the facts surfaced, so they could push the false narrative that is white privilege.

“Isn’t it a little bit scary that this story can have taken off like it did and most people don’t know what the actual truth of the matter was? I think that’s the scariest thing about this story is that we live in such an absurd situation, such an absurd country. At this point in time, the vast majority of people out there look to any story to reinforce whatever their existing worldview already is.”  more [Listen]

1 Comment on Fox Sports’ Clay Travis: Media Loves Pushing ‘White Privilege’ Stories

  1. “At this point in time, the vast majority of people out there look to any story to reinforce whatever their existing worldview already is.”

    And the MSM will happily and slantedly provide it with great gusto and endless repetition to the exclusion of real news thus actually creating a worldview in the lofos. Lather, rinse, repeat and voila, an easily stampeded culture of dumbasses.

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