Fraud, Waste or Abuse – Take Your Pick At HUD – IOTW Report

Fraud, Waste or Abuse – Take Your Pick At HUD

A Housing and Urban Development employee rented two federally subsidized Section 8 housing units and sublet one to her sister.


After being caught utilizing a program she had no right to, Markquonda  Mathis went to federally funded Neighborhood Legal Services to fight the eviction of herself and sister Markquasha.

Markquonda wasn’t charged, penalized or fired for lying about renting the subsidized units, but was instead promoted by HUD to be entrusted with millions of dollars in grants for lead abatement.


I get the feeling that this is a family of thieves and grifters who struck it big when one of them managed to worm her way into the worst of the Federal towers of bureaucracy.  

 I foresee her criminal brother Marquez or her other brother Marko getting into the lead removal business and making hundreds of thousands in HUD grants in the near future.

16 Comments on Fraud, Waste or Abuse – Take Your Pick At HUD

  1. “I foresee her criminal brother Marquez or her other brother Marko getting into the lead removal business”

    Yeah, but it won’t be the lead removal they be thinkin’ of.

  2. One of the parents appears to of been obsessed with naming the kids some variation on “Mark.” It’s one of the charming features of this particular family of low-lifes.

  3. If I had to estimate, I would say that 90%+ of the federal, bureaucratic jobs held by blacks could disappear tomorrow and we would never even notice. I mean it seriously, we wouldn’t notice.

    I have 3 friends that work for the federal government, one works at an office that went on a flex time arrangement for the convenience of the workers, She tells me that the blacks clock in for a hour or so and that’s that. No sense complaining because the manager is black and does the same thing. If you go above the manager to complain, racial complaints against you are the norm.

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