Fraudster Gets 15 Years for Stealing $109 Million From Army – IOTW Report

Fraudster Gets 15 Years for Stealing $109 Million From Army


A Texas woman who pleaded guilty to charges of stealing nearly $109 million from a youth development program for children of military families and using it to fund an extravagant lifestyle that included multiple mansions, a fleet of luxury cars and designer accessories was sentenced Tuesday to 15 years in federal prison.

Janet Yamanaka Mello, 57, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Xavier Rodriguez after pleading guilty in March to five counts of mail fraud and five counts of filing a false tax return. More

11 Comments on Fraudster Gets 15 Years for Stealing $109 Million From Army

  1. Before the communists stole the 2020 and subsequent elections I might have been irritated, even annoyed that some scamster had stolen a hundred mill from the army or whatever.

    With the communists running shit whom cares? Only plex is she got caught. The fact is, do whatever you want, if you get away with it, to the good, if you get caught, hope your donations to the democrat-communists are up to date and you’ll get away with it anyway.

  2. “Janet Mello betrayed the trust of the government agency she served and repeatedly lied in an effort to enrich herself,”

    When will Pelosi and other House and Senate members be held to the same level when they repeatedly betrayed the trust of the Constitution, Ethics, Law and the Citizens of our Nation?

    Can anyone say, insider trading leading to Multi $Million Dollar enrichment schemes? Public Servant or SELF-Serving?

  3. Imagine being this stupid and greedy. Imagine how incompetent or corrupt Pentagon investigators are to allow this to go on this long? Didn’t anyone notice how the cost of the program was in such great disparity to its results? Didn’t anyone notice how this cunt was living it up?

    I’ll be there are more sensible fraudsters who get away with this dirty NGO bullshit their entire lives by just stealing less and living more conventionally.


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