FREAKY FRIDAY (through Thursday) – IOTW Report

FREAKY FRIDAY (through Thursday)

A Mother And Son Are Transitioning To Father And Daughter, Because That’s The World We Live In

21 Comments on FREAKY FRIDAY (through Thursday)

  1. Perverts, deviants, and mentally disturbed. The health care professionals that assist them are violating their oath. They need treatment for their mental disorder, not condoning or facilitating it.

  2. As a behavioral therapist I declare they could have been helped but the world is enabling this stuff.

    You may say 1 + 1 = 3 after I force you to say it many times but it will never make it true even after you change the numerical system (in this case human physiology) to make it supposedly true.

    Our culture has allowed this. That’s why our culture is sick as well.

  3. Turning myself into a Weimaraner was tough. And it’s too hard to spell. I had the long floppy ears installed and the yellow eyes are just contact lenses. Made a cool looking tail out of an old bathrobe. Almost there.

  4. Well if this is confusing then ponder on St. Patrick’s Day everyone wants to be Irish, but no one wants to be black on MLK day and if you feel like being “anything you want” on Halloween that’s appropriating.

  5. Munchausen Tranny By Proxy Syndrome. All three family members should see if they can get a group rate discount with a good psychiatrist.

    Whenever a young person “decides” to transition to a different gender, it seems like there is always a neurotic mother encouraging that deviance. And there usually is a weak father going along with the sickness.

  6. I second what Hans and everyone else has said. In the “anything goes” climate we live in, more and more of this will happen as therapists give the green light and cater to these whims instead of calling it for what it is, treatable body dysmorphia. Future generations will look upon this time with disgust. What will happen after all the high-fiving is done and the enormity of the reality sets in? I’m sad for the kid.

  7. 🙁 it will be better for Sodom and Gomorrah in the last days than for this generation in which we live. God have some mercy on the stupidly of the people living today.

  8. These freaks need others to give them permission/acceptance, for their perversions, because they know what they are.
    How do I know, they know they’re freaks?
    When two same-sexers get married, one usually dresses like a man and the other wears the dress … just like normal people.

  9. I really feel sorry for the husband.

    I’m sure this was no where near the vision he had when he started a family.

    “My beautiful wife had a boy!”

    Not so fast there buddy. Those cards you were dealt?

    All wild cards and you don’t get to pick `em.

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