Freddie Gray case: Officer Caesar Goodson Jr. not guilty on all charges – IOTW Report

Freddie Gray case: Officer Caesar Goodson Jr. not guilty on all charges

This is what happens when you have SJWs in charge and they bring cases in front of jurists who are of sound mind. My recommendation is to clear out all halls of justice, academia and governance of these activists.

Baltimore Sun-

The Baltimore Police van driver accused of giving a “rough ride” that killedFreddie Gray was acquitted of all charges Thursday by Circuit Judge Barry Williams.

Officer Caesar Goodson Jr., 46, had faced the most serious charges of any of the six officers indicted in Gray’s arrest and death last April, including second-degree depraved heart murder. Goodson was also acquitted of three counts of manslaughter, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and misconduct in office.

His acquittal, which comes after Williams considered the charges for three days, throws the rest of the cases into jeopardy. The other officers charged face similar, but lesser accusations.

Prosecutors alleged Goodson had five chances to render aid to Gray after his neck was broken in the back of the van, which they said demonstrated a “depraved heart.”

They also said Goodson was the direct cause of the injuries, driving the van in a reckless manner that threw him in the back of the van’s steel cage, shackled but unrestrained by a seat belt. As a certified field training officer, prosecutors said Goodson knew Police Department rules and broke them.


15 Comments on Freddie Gray case: Officer Caesar Goodson Jr. not guilty on all charges

  1. Cops should sue everyone involved for defamation of character or something such. They will never work as LEO anymore. Mosely took away their livelihood for a moment of fame on the cover of some magazine.

  2. Tired, my daughter lives there. I hope, if the thugs try to burn it down, everyone else can put a stop to it. The ultra minority has done enough, time for the adults to take charge.

  3. I haven’t worked in Baltimore in over 15 years… but the animals weren’t a minority back then. It was a city full of filth.

    Why any reasonable human would live there is beyond me.

    Good luck to your daughter.

  4. The only time I was ever relieved to see Baltimore was on my return from NYC.
    Baltimore is a fetid shithole – but New York City is worse.

    Oh! I think it is absolutely amazing that there exists, in Baltimore, MD, a Judge who is NOT the rubber stamp of the establishment totalitarians.
    It wobbles the mind!
    There is a hope (small, I admit) that America can be resurrected.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. In a normal world, Marilyn Mosby would be finished professionally and swiftly in the unemployment line in disgrace.

    I today’s reality she’ll probably receive a promotion to some SJW position in the Obama / Clinton cabal.

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