Fredo Furious When Confronted By His Lax Personal Behavior on Covid – IOTW Report

Fredo Furious When Confronted By His Lax Personal Behavior on Covid

12 Comments on Fredo Furious When Confronted By His Lax Personal Behavior on Covid

  1. It’s just so easy when you have your own show and can say, “Look, you took your best shot and you missed. You’re wrong!” …and “Yeah, I used a giant Q-tip and it was funny as hell!”
    What a complete asswipe.
    Murtaugh was spot on to call him out and everything he said was accurate.
    I’m going to love when somebody takes their best shot at Fredo and hits their target.
    He’ll have to wear shades on TV to hide his blackened eyes.

  2. Assuming that Trump wins and he takes the back Congress and increases the Senate majority (don’t kid yourself, if that happens it will be because of Trump alone) I’ll bet CNN, MSNBC, Reuters and all the rest will re-evaluate their staunch anti Trump stance and Fredo will be taking his next contract negotiation in a rowboat at dawn on Lake Tahoe.


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