Free Abortions For All Bill Signed in Oregon – IOTW Report

Free Abortions For All Bill Signed in Oregon

Why did the guv surround herself with kids for the photo-op?


On the same day that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a measure that doesn’t require abortions to be covered by insurance, Oregon veered in exactly the opposite direction, solidifying it as “the most radically pro-abortion state in America.”

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown signed into law a bill, dubbed the “free abortions for all” bill, requiring insurance companies to provide abortions on demand — which in Oregon can be obtained up to the day of delivery — for free and without any co-pay or deductible costs.

The bill increases the taxpayer money given for abortions — $500,000 — most of which will go to the state’s largest abortion operators, Planned Parenthood, according to an Oregon Right to Life spokeswoman. The bill covers all comers, including illegal aliens.

National Review reports that the bill says that any religious organization can only be exempted from the requirement if it’s “a nonprofit whose purpose is ‘the inculcation of religious values,’ and it must primarily employ and serve people who share the employer’s religious tenets.” [emphasis added]

By declaring the bill “an emergency,” lawmakers circumvented any efforts to put the measure to a vote and put the law immediately into effect.


h/t eliminating crowds

25 Comments on Free Abortions For All Bill Signed in Oregon

  1. Progs abort the future. Progs abort the past. It’s all about the selfish needs of leftists right now. On their terms only. They wish to abort elections that don’t turn out their way.
    America now is a highchair with a fussy baby in it.
    I think it’s time for me to drop out for a while.

  2. Ghoulish, soulless, and calloused. Big Fur posted this song, (I think) several months ago. If you don’t remember, it’s required listening. Lyrics provided.

    Oh little baby, you’ll never cry, nor will you hear a sweet lullabye.
    Oh unborn child, if you only knew just what your momma was plannin’ to do.
    You’re still a-clingin’ to the tree of life, but soon you’ll be cut off before you get ripe.
    Oh unborn child, beginning to grow inside your momma, but you’ll never know.
    Oh tiny bud, that grows in the womb, only to be crushed before you can bloom.
    Mama stop! Turn around, go back, think it over.
    Now stop, turn around, go back, think it over.
    Stop, turn around, go back think it over.
    Oh no momma, just let it be. You’ll never regret it, just wait and see.
    Think of all the great ones who gave everything
    That we might have life here, so please bear the pain.
    Mama stop! Turn around, go back, think it over.
    Now stop, turn around, go back, think it over.
    Stop, turn around, go back think it over.

  3. Hey, I live here in Oregon but I despise the so-called ‘government’ that runs supreme over the will of the people.
    Just like BB, I’m pretty much stuck with obnoxious assholes until the revolution starts.

    The days are numbered.

  4. So, something that is “private” now must be funded with public funds. How does that work? I find this more offensive than Christopher Hitchens or Sam Harris would find tax dollars being used to pay for a state religion.

    Their hypocrisy know no limits. It is going to be a slow going but I want to tear down their secular temple to Molech brick by brick.

  5. Oregon is becoming Communist in political action. This isn’t just liberal. This abortion agenda is purely as anti-God as atheists can do. Boycott Oregon. Boycott NIKE because its HQ and Phil Knight are in Oregon. Knight virtually owns the state, especially the University of Oregon. Boycott all Oregon football–OSU and U of O. Make the State funded schools lose money on their sports arenas, including track and field. Do whatever you can to keep money out of State coffers that will be financing abortion. Unfortunately, we still have to pay taxes.

  6. VERY encouraging to see so many fellow Oregonians on this site who feel the same way. Already added Nike to boycott list. We’re being badly damaged by all the filthy rich radical liberals who’ve moved here. Governor Kate Brown-Shorts is a Minnesota transplant lesbian with a degree in Women’s Studies.

  7. Coming soon in the next legislative session in neighboring Wash. State. God forbid. There is nothing more soulless and heartless than a rabid pro abort who is bent on the destruction of all unborn children like Kate Brown, this woman is sick and totally evil.

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