Free Molon Labe Dog Tag – IOTW Report

Free Molon Labe Dog Tag

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I don’t know how much the shipping and handling costs are.

ht/ sam s.

Look at the comments below. Our readers are not chumps. Free = $8.95 for something you might never receive.


22 Comments on Free Molon Labe Dog Tag

  1. This proves how much if a consumer I am not.

    It’s freaking free and I still ask myself. 1) Do I really need it? 2) Where am I going to put it 3) What’s the true benefit of having it?

  2. From their web site:

    “You OWN the right to bear arms. Our job is to supply you with all of the accessories you need.”

    Accessories like a dog tag, a tee shirt, or a bracelet. Literally.

  3. Word of caution too. I don’t know anything about this outfit actually being pro gun, their about us is very thin. Ordering this free item might mean your information ends up in the wrong hands or on a target list.

  4. Wow, “free” and it only costs $8.95. Luckily you won’t be penalized if you don’t buy it.

    Kinda like obamacare, it’s free but it’ll cost taxpayers $Millions if you enroll and you’ll be fined if you don’t.

    I’m a little strapped for cash with all the “Free” government programs that come out of this administration and congress.

    Think I’ll pass on this deal.

  5. @ shotgun shell wreaths

    Allen’s Boot store on S Congress Austin had shell Christmas decorations, shotgun ornaments, etc on after-holiday sale a few years ago. Bought everything they had!

  6. I already have a set of dog tags courtesy of the US Navy. I just need to get a larger chain since my neck is larger now than when I was in the Navy 40 years ago. My Dad also has his dog tags from the USAF from the late 1940’s. And all it cost us was 3 years of service in the military, it was well worth the time and service.

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