French Priest Who Ran Into Burning Notre Dame to Save Crown of Thorns Hailed as Hero – IOTW Report

French Priest Who Ran Into Burning Notre Dame to Save Crown of Thorns Hailed as Hero


A French priest who provided comfort to victims during the 2015 Paris terror attack was hailed as a hero after he risked his life by dashing into the Notre Dame cathedral that was engulfed in flames to rescue the Crown of Thorns—a wreath of thorns believed to have been placed on Jesus Christ’s head at his crucifixion.

Father Jean-Marc Fournier, the chaplain of the Paris Fire Brigade, also saved the Blessed Sacrament while he joined rescue workers who entered the iconic cathedral to save priceless relics on April 15.

A photo of Fournier also has found its way to Twitter, with many social media users showing appreciation for what he has done.

“Father Fournier is an absolute hero,” a member of the emergency services told an Irish radio station NewsTalk.”He showed no fear at all as he made straight for the relics inside the cathedral, and made sure they were saved. He deals with life and death every day, and shows no fear.”

Fournier has displayed this courage in the past. In 2015, he rushed inside the Bataclan music venue to help the wounded after the ISIS terrorist group launched an attack, claiming the lives of 90 people.  read more

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