Freshman Congresswoman Nearly Touches the 3rd Rail While Questioning Comey – IOTW Report

Freshman Congresswoman Nearly Touches the 3rd Rail While Questioning Comey

While questioning Comey about counter-intelligence investigations, Elise M. Stefanik has exposed James Comey as an Obama white house operative.

Conservative Treehouse– Director Comey was using his office as a facilitating conduit for the political purposes of the Obama White House.

Unfortunately, a slightly nervous Stefanik, never forced Comey to go back to the non-answered question and respond by saying:

No, Mr. Comey, there WAS a DNI in place in 2016, please answer the question of when did you notify him (Clapper) and the White House?

….. then it would get a little ugly:

Why did you notify Clapper and the White House but delay congressional notification?

Summary- Hillary Clinton political operatives manufactured the illusion of a computer connection between Russian entities (financial banks) and the Trump campaign/organization.  Those manufactured points of evidence were then passed along to White House entities who used the political intel community (Clapper to Comey) to open an investigation of nothingness – to nowhere.  The mere existence of that investigation was then used as the originating point for a series of media intel leaks (the narrative) intended to cloud and damage the Trump campaign/organization. FBI Director James Comey, as head of one of the investigative agencies, became part of that political apparatus.  Now, usefulness exhausted and with the media engaged, it’s CYA time all around for the originating entities.

18 Comments on Freshman Congresswoman Nearly Touches the 3rd Rail While Questioning Comey

  1. To believe this is to believe Pres Trump is a fool. I don’t

    With a new administration keeping on some of the old guard means there is something below the surface we don’t know yet.

  2. Waterboard every single person down to the to groundskeepers in the Failed obamy admin. get to the Truth. The U.S.A is worth Saving, or maybe it’s not already.

  3. Really? Ask the leaker to be honest he leaked? Comey is not the leaker, he is part of the set up

    He said he couldn’t verify the specific tweet. – “wiretapping” but he didn’t deny Trump was under some surveillance. He also wouldn’t deny he discussed with Obama the Trump/Russia connection….which there was none. I think the Republicans on the committee, along with Comey and Rogers, are playing semantics giving the left a false sense of security. Something big is coming. There is no way Trump would tweet about it without having proof.

    We got that there have been leaks and fake news. Remember the Pres said “The leaks are real, the news is fake”. He, they, are going after the real culprits and projecting it. Gowdy made sure the issue of outing FLynne is illegal and on the record.

  4. Wasn’t Comey on the board of some bank that was laundering money, which got a slap on the wrist form 0bama/Holder/Soros?

    “Alex, what is ‘Yes!’?”

    Quid. Pro. Quo.

  5. It was hard to read Gowdy’s expression while she was asking her questions. At turns he looked impressed, bored, alarmed and deadpan. All wearing the same poker-faced expression. These hearings aren’t over and you can be sure there were more than a few people who understood the import of those unanswered questions.

  6. @Dr. Tar: Not to be contentious, but apparently the President can fire the FBI director, because Bill Clinton fired William S. Sessions (the only time it has ever been done).

    BTW, one of my favorite LBJ quotes was from the time his advisors were urging him to fire J. Edgar Hoover, who was becoming a liability to his Administration, but who also had dirt on everybody in Washington, including Johnson. He refused, saying, “No, it’s better to have Hoover inside the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in.”


  7. What I heard was that a University of Indiana tech guru named L.G. (or Jeanne) Camp (a big HRC supporter) started investigating Trump’s server back in 2016. She made headlines in the cyber world when she disclosed data showing email between Trump’s server and a bank in Russia. She and her colleagues then prompted the FBI to investigate it. That was about the time she made 22 donations to the HRC campaign totaling $1,500.

    Unfortunately, the FBI found no “there” there. She was miffed and disappointed that nothing was found by the FBI and said so on social media (but maintained she was objective and could keep things separate). That’s when the story was picked up and blown out of proportion by the media and the democrats. Heard on Quinn in the Morning show at

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