Friends of Greetings From Yonkers – IOTW Report

Friends of Greetings From Yonkers

Dear Friends,

It is with great sadness that I write to inform you of Greetings From Yonkers passing yesterday, She left us peacefully during the late afternoon-early evening hours.

Always a fan of intrigue, she kept her cards close to her chest in regard to her illness.  She, you know, could spin fantastic tales, and it was only in the past month or so that she appointed a medical power of attorney who was able to ascertain her diagnosis.  She had a recurrence of cancer from her breast cancer battle in the 1990’s.  

The witty, wild world view and imagination stayed with her until the end—or until my last conversation with her about a week ago.  I can safely say that she was brilliant—and I have met many merely intelligent people in life.  But more importantly, she was fiercely loyal and generous towards her friends.  And her network of disparate friends was so important to her as she died single and without children.

I will so miss my beloved friend who certainly lived her life in her original, inimitable and sometimes reckless style.  Please hold her in your thoughts and prayers.


78 Comments on Friends of Greetings From Yonkers

  1. With sadness in her passing, but with joy that God gave her life, we pray:

    Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

  2. Thank you for the update BFH. I know in time we must all pass but it is never easy to see them go. I hope she knows that we were her family and many of us wish we could have met her and been closer to her physically.
    May she rest in peace.

  3. I’m heartbroken to hear of GFY’s passing: a wonder woman in her own right. I’ll never forget her many fine tales, spun with just the perfect mix of sugar, arsenic and old lace. Rest In Peace lovely Lady.

  4. Words on a screen from a faceless entity. A voice unheard. A touch never felt. Strangers united, yet so far apart. A closeness hard to understand, let alone explain. Rest now, gentle soul. You will be missed.

  5. RIP Greetings From Yonkers.
    BFH – maybe you could link to an old article that has some of her comments so those who are new to the site could get an idea of what she was like, and old timers could reminisce.

  6. Its hard to lose a part of the family. Rest in peace Yonkers your pain is gone, may the Father welcome you home.
    She will be missed here and at MOTUS A. D.

  7. RIP, Greetings from Yonkers. I always enjoyed your sharp, witty commennts, and your personal honesty.

    @ I AM TOSK – God bless your mother and your family. My husband is in a similar situation. Prayers for you.

  8. So sorry. She definitely knew her mind :). And yep, a pistol.

    Doesn’t help that it was expected.

    AA “I’m so glad we got to hear her voice” Yup, and she did sound just like I thought she would. Was nice. Thank You Fur.

  9. Greeting From Yonkers, go with God.

    You now have rest for your weary body and soul. Your work ethic, kindness toward those in need and your dedication to the truth will now be appreciated and rewarded.

    Thank you for being our friend.

  10. So very saddened by this news. I can’t add another thing to all the beautiful expressions of love and kindness toward this dear one whom I will miss as well. Blessings to all my brothers and sisters at IOTWReport.

  11. RIP, GFY. You will be sorely missed.

    P.S. – It’s a shame that there’s no way to easily search the previous posts on IOTWR for a particular screen name, short of tediously slogging through the almost 1700 items one by one. If there was, someone close to her could compile a “Best of Greetings From Yonkers” collection of her comments.

    Ah, well…


  12. Vietvet @ All: Last year I exchanged emails with GFY. We were planning to meet at Rory Dolan’s Irish Bar in Yonkers for lunch, after the election. Here is an excerpt from when I last herd from her on September 25th.
    “In 2017 I plan to take the week of Martin Luther King Day off, but only if Trump wins. If he does, I plan to party like a madwoman. All the more so because Inaugeration Day is my 60th Birthday. If Hillary wins, fuck it. If I’m going to be in a shitty, depressed mood, I may as well go to work.” Take Care.
    I would loved to have met that fine lady, but it wasn’t to be.
    Rest In Peace GFY.

  13. 🙁 I am sad to hear the news that we have lost another iOTwer. Hugs to all who knew her and will miss her in real life and here too who will miss her on the internets. RIP

  14. Have missed her since she stopped commenting. I felt like I knew her through her thoughtful, intelligent and very witty/biting observations. Sorry for the pain she must have endured these past few months. May she rest in peace. She left her mark on this earth.

  15. So sorry to hear this, though I knew it was coming. The heartfelt comments above prove again what a special family this is. Rest in peace, Greetings From Yonkers. It was always fun reading your comments and knowing that the places you’d sometimes reference were real and significant to me, BFH, and Pinko who also grew up in Yonkers. Condolences to Tara and the family.

  16. Never got to know her, heck, never really spoke directly with her, but I always looked forward to seeing what she’d written the night before. Sorry she passed so soon, but glad she touched my life. RIP GFY.

    Sorry to hear about your mother, I AM TOSK. I’ve been there. It’s tough but you’ll see it through.

  17. Greetings from Yonkers once put her e-mail address on IOTW Report.
    That’s when I first contacted her in person and cautioned her about that. We had been chirping back and forth via IOTWR about Rory Dolans on McLane Ave. Yonkers. Here’s GFY’s reply.
    From: GFY
    To: Moe tom
    Re: Rory Dolans.

    “OH!WOW! DELIGHTED to hear from you! Yes, I know, I should never, ever put my e-mail on the Web because crazies and weirdos could contact me. And here you are! LOL! It would be really cool to meet an IOTWer in person. I used to be active on a website for Breast Cancer Survivors (around the time of my initial diagnosis,2000) I eventually met many of the people from that website. Take care.”
    S.J.V (a/k/a Greetingsfromyonkers)
    I am so sorry I never met that fine lady

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