Frightful Halloween OOooooooooooo – IOTW Report

Frightful Halloween OOooooooooooo

Images from:

1 Truckbuddy (Stewie)
2 & 3 Mr. Pinko

The rest of the images are courtesy of and

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:

They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

Critter pictures NEEDED:
Winter fun


16 Comments on Frightful Halloween OOooooooooooo

  1. The rats remind me of a story.
    We lost a hamster in the basement when I was a boy. Somehow it got out of the cage…
    Six months later my Mom finds it climbing up the basement stairs. It was HUGE! I have never heard a scream just like that ever since…
    My Dad discovered it had survived by eating the seeds out of squash he had stored in the root cellar during the winter.

  2. I’d love to see the hands of the person that put the chicken costume on the cat, although it seems to take it well. 😀 I’d have to put on a football helmet, body armor, and fire gloves to put one on mine.

    Thanks Claudia!

  3. Panda! Mr. P whenever I used to try putting a leash on my cat (back when we lived in city and I didn’t know any better–my first cat) all he would do is collapse and be totally uncooperative. I’ve never tried head gear.

  4. dee, I used a harness on three of my kitties when I would take them to the vet. Every one of them would fall over when I finally got it on and acted like they forgot they had legs! Not once did any of them get up much less try to walk.

  5. Claudia yeah total collapse! I think I used it once or twice some yrs. ago but it was for an outing outdoors when we lived in the city. Now for going to vet that’s a very great idea, thanks.

    We just moved to a new house last Thurs. and my orange guy was a basket case first night looking out all the windows all night. Next day was not to be found but couldn’t have escaped. Now I am trying to teach him to use a box with the clear swinging door and he may be doing it. I was able to catch him in it and shut the door on him.


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