This is simply great. An Oregon couple was sent a letter from the government, asking them for access to their land to do a frog count.
See the letter of response HERE
HT/ Bayouwulf
Also – give a click to TheFeralIrishman (the original source, but I can’t find the link to his post.)
That was the best F.O.A.D. letter I’ve ever read! Lol!!!
Sure you can come and at the same time I can relinquish all rights to my property in perpetuity.
Here is the Feral Irishman link to the story:
or the link to the story from another site:
Both thumbs up for Mr.&Mrs. Anderson!
Of particular note was the clever requirement for an “Invasive Species Stamp” for each vehicle. Great sense of humor that probably went right over their heads. zinnnnng
We don’t even talk about the fauna on our property. To anyone.
We had some clearing done near the road a couple of years ago, and soon after had a visit from the County. Some newish transplanted gooder decided (upon noticing the difference while passing at 40MPH) that we had cut down a tree or two. Which in these parts is illegal, unless you’ve applied for permission from the county with “an approved Vegetation Management Plan”, and made reparations by planting a number equal to the removal. If they say it’s OK.
I’m keeping a copy of the respondent’s letter for reference. Can’t be too prepared.
Those of us who have journeyed through the incomprehensible Oregon hunting regulations can appreciate this. Haven’t laughed so hard at something in a long time.
If any Government frog survey vehicles are found on their property without the proper license, they should have them toad away.
Great Stuff but now it’s a time for a hike in your property tax.
This is how you know that the government is too BIG with waaay too much time on its hands! Treat it like the grossed out, fat, obnoxious, overbearing, stupid slob it is!
Their reply is a clear example of what made America great. Sorry to see that it is also becoming an endangered species.
Never fuck with a hunter. lol