The Robert Hunter Biden (RHB) laptop from Hell is the political gift that keeps on giving to the American public, and to those opposed to the Biden administration.
CDMedia has been provided with evidence that documents a conversation between the President’s son, Hunter Biden, and the Chairman of the Board of the Walmart Corporation, America’s biggest brick and mortar retail chain. The conversation took place in October of 2018.
The question is – why did Hunter Biden tape a conversation between Greg Penner, Chairman of Walmart/Madrone Capitol, in 2018? The conversation was planned via email/sms message and the audio is below.
The audio file was found in the iTunes folder on the RHB laptop, which was concealed by the FBI for a year before being delivered to the New York Post, which posted some of its salacious content. However, a close examination of the massive numbers of files on the computer have struck political gold. more here
President Trump made clear that they hated him because they hate Us, the American people.
Gooooollly, Hunter and Walmart are crooked.
How high were Walmart sales profits this past year?
Well I won’t shop at Walmart anyway for fear of contracting something rare and contageous!
Sounds like WalMart may have been integral in multi-state vote fraud.
Note to all CEO’s, stay away from crack heads and corrupt pols. Karma anyone, it’s what for dinner.
Does Walmart sell anything not Made In ChYnA?
I wonder why they are Anti-Trump?
Struck political gold eh? And what repercussions have there been for any of the perps involved?
Shouldn’t that be “America’s greediest prick and mortar retail chain”?
That’s the kinda sh*t that gets you locked away.
Nothing to see here.
Move along.
OAN and Bannon and Alex Jones might cover this but no one else will.
Hunter should have been indicted years ago just for the pedophilia and child porn on his laptop.
Pedo Joe should be in prison for corruption at the very least.
Walmart Chair should be in prison for election fraud.
DOJ is just as corrupt so nothing happens.