From the “Thank God Criminals Are Stupid” File – IOTW Report

From the “Thank God Criminals Are Stupid” File

Dentist-Turned-Arsonist Made a Rookie Mistake.

There was a hole in his story.

It took no time at all to extract the truth from him.

He should have brushed up on how to get away with crimes.

He was apprehended at tooth-hurty in the morning.


They tracked footprints in the snow from crime scene to suspect’s garage.



79 Comments on From the “Thank God Criminals Are Stupid” File

  1. Had a knucklehead break into my neighbors garage and attempted to get into mine (deadbolted with a steel reinforcment on door jamb lagbolted into king and jackstuds). Followed idiots bicycle tracks three blocks away to his apartment and called the cops. Fun day for me! Snows good for tracking.

  2. His lawyer is gonna gum up the works. We’ll never know the true scope of his crime…..I heard he was turned in by his girlfriends, twin sisters Listerellen and Ginger Vitis….

  3. elaborating on SNS’s theme …
    where he’s going he’s gonna hear a lot of “Now, open wide!”
    “Just gonna lean you back a bit … now, you’re going to feel a little pressure”
    “There! now that didn’t hurt … did it?”


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