Frozen Biden – IOTW Report

36 Comments on Frozen Biden

  1. “Freeze Frame” Biden trying to figure out how all those black folks got past security and why are they dancing and singing on the White House lawn?

  2. He appears not to know where he is or what he is doing there.

    And he looks like he’s trying desperately to hold something in. Like a huge BM. Surely his intestines and bowels will try to send a signal to his brain that something big is about to happen.

    Joe: Darn. Shee-it…What am I gonna do? What if it falls out….I know, I’ll ask that woman on my right, whoever she is, to watch out for it and catch it before it falls out o’ ma pants.

  3. So much to unpack in that video clip. To keep it short – Queer, reprobate, backsliden fake Christians, Hollyweird, leftist/Marxist black “leaders” at the White House to celebrate the idiotic Juneteenth Holiday.

    A holiday that celebrates stubborn, ignorant black people in Texas who refused to believe slavery was over for two years after being told earlier, the Emacipation Proclaimation was signed by President Lincoln. They were supposedly the last “slaves” to fund out they were free – that’s the woke narrative.

  4. When the little makes that face we know it’s time to grab the pampers and baby wipes. Unlike what the Secret Service has to deal with, our little one doesn’t play in the diaper when no one is looking.

  5. I’m kinda embarrassed for Cuck Emhoff trying to dance.

    I think to Brandon’s left is George Floyd’s brother. That’s a fine looking suit he’s wearing along with the designer frames. Being a multi-millionaire does have its advantages.

  6. 99th Squad Leader, I also hate Juneteenth, it’s a bogus politically correct holiday which also happens to be my mom’s birthday, she would’ve been 99 this year. And there is no way in hell that the bastards on the left want it to replace the 4th of July, Independence Day as the new national dependence day. If they ever do that all bets are off because there will be hell to pay.

  7. Juneteenth like Kwanza is another totally made-up bogus P/C holiday made exclusively for blacks and no one else. So much for E Pluribus Unum, out of many one and excluding whitey because we’re the so-called oppressor, bullshit! Fuck diversity and DEI, real diversity includes everyone no matter what color, race, sexual orientation, political world view etc. people are.

  8. geoff the aardvark, so glad you get it! The left go too far and expect everyone to submit to their bullcrap. It’s unfortunate your mother’s birthday is the same day as this fake holiday, Juneteenth. The left ruin everything.

    I will never “celebrate” racist black ex-slaves who refused to be free and leave the plantation. That includes any other fake holiday the left creates.

  9. The nicest thing I can say is he didn’t start swaying like the douchebag W did when he was hangin’ with his best buddies, the Obamas, at a memorial service. That’s all i got for Frozen Joe.

  10. LocoBlancoSaltine, LOL! Yeah, that’s it. They were CPT for sure. Ex-slaves had at least two years to notice the signs slavery was over – and they did according to ex-slaves in Galveston and other Texas territories.

    Most ex-slaves left Texas at the time, but those who stayed got caught betwwen the Union army and battles with plantation owners who wouldn’t accept the end of slavery. These ev-slaves consider themselves Texans and stood their ground.

    BTW, The left hasn’t obeyed the Emacipation Proclaimation…EVER.
    To this day they still psychologically enslave millions of black Americans who will vote in droves for their Master, Poopy Old Joe this November. Their “leaders”/plantation foremen showed up at the White House for the Juneteenth bull crap.


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