Hunter Was Thrown Under the Bus To Bust This Accurate Narrative – IOTW Report

Hunter Was Thrown Under the Bus To Bust This Accurate Narrative

Warning- Bad Language

“America is NOT divided because of Trump. America is divided because of Joe Biden and the democrats.” – Philip Anderson.

13 Comments on Hunter Was Thrown Under the Bus To Bust This Accurate Narrative

  1. “They will line your family up against a wall and kill you’

    If they’ll send and aged old grandma with cancer to prison for praying outside an abortion clinic they will not hesitate to line you and your family up against a wall. Don’t give up your weapons. You’re going to need them.

  2. I believe one of America’s salvations will be black conservatives. They are coming off the plantations. Each black conservative is worth 10 cryin’ white liberals, at least.

  3. I was watching that righteous tirade, enjoying what he had to say, when the video stopped. It hung for about 10 seconds, then the screen went black and this message appeared:

    This video is no longer available

  4. Now, that’s strange. I was able to go back and watch the whole thing. I’m VERY glad I was able to. Best and most cogent and accurate rant I’ve seen in a long time.

  5. Hunter WAS thrown under the bus. The trial suspiciously timed right after they railroaded Trump. Now they can point at Hunter and claim equal justice. Hunter is expendable. Even to his father. tHESE ASSHOLES TRULY ARE COMMUNISTS.


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