Frustrated Cenk Uygur Screams At Airline Employees After 4 Hour Plane Delay – IOTW Report

Frustrated Cenk Uygur Screams At Airline Employees After 4 Hour Plane Delay

The Young Turks host, Cenk Uygur, who is famous for being so bad as a TV personality that he was replaced by Al Sharpton, yells and curses at American Airlines employees for a flight delayed 4 hours.

I’d be pissed too. But I also have enough of a brain in my head that I know I will be bounced from a plane if I get too angry.

They tend not to want to be cooped up with someone fit to be tied at 30,000 feet.

Hear him blowing a gasket HERE.

The rest is here.

Here’s the problem, and it’s a Catch-22.

If service is that bad you’re going to get nutso. If you get nutso, you’re not going to get service.

The one thing you’ll never be able to legislate is that angry people deserve the “right” to fly if it’s the airline itself pissing you off.

It doesn’t work that way.

Just use a different airline in the future, or play by the crappy, but reasonable,  rules.

16 Comments on Frustrated Cenk Uygur Screams At Airline Employees After 4 Hour Plane Delay

  1. He waited 4 HOURS and THEN got mad?

    Were the people he yelled at responsible for the delay?

    After 15 minutes, why didn’t he cash in his ticket and get another flight?

    “Gee, Mommy! Every time I hit my thumb with a hammer – it HURTS!”

    “Don’t hit your thumb with a hammer, honey …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m not particularly bothered by people who are angry for some justification, and a multi-hour travel delay is justification in anybody’s book.

    But I am bothered by irrational angry people. I wouldn’t want to be on a plane with such a self-absorbed dick-head (thanks, Rat Fink) myself and would have been glad to see him denied service.

  3. His problem is he expects something at an airport. Every time I expect to not fly because of TSA and shitty service. Even if it works well at the gate and the flight, my baggage will probably be missing. It’s a surprise and a miracle every single time it works properly for me. LOW, LOW, LOW expectations at the airport. Just be happy to be alive.

  4. @Vietvet, it looks like his name is misspelled. There should be a ‘u’ instead of an ‘e’.

    His lardo loud-mouthed self should have been booted out of the airport. 2nd choice put on a cargo carrier or charged for 2 seats.

    Just another Moslem having a sudden jihad temper tantrum.

  5. I snapped the other night at a restaurant. We sat down, Oscar our waiter, was friendly enough. Then I asked him for a Scotch on the rocks. He was mystified at this strange concoction, I said Dewar’s as I wasn’t being picky. He said Dooooers, senior? Yeah, Dewar’s.

    So then the bread sticks come out, no Scotch.

    Then the appetizer is being served, still no Scotch.

    WT flying F! I had enough, you’re already forcing a fcuking appetizer on me and I’ve been here 15 minutes with no Scotch!

    Give me a fcuking glass of water or something for fcuk sake before you start rolling out my appetizer!

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