Fun Fact: The Left is Stupid, Insane or Both – IOTW Report

Fun Fact: The Left is Stupid, Insane or Both

25 Comments on Fun Fact: The Left is Stupid, Insane or Both

  1. They are followers of Satan, that much is for sure and for certain. How much of the stupid and insane is just for show is debatable the fact they are wicked and evil isn’t debatable. The only way around that conclusion is to redefine the English language.

  2. I’m a little unclear as to how Trump and/or the GOP is attacking the US from within. For those of you who know how to use the Socratic method in discussing things, I think you will find that the progressives don’t know either. In fact, these types of interactions normally don’t go far; the progressives don’t have any answers and generally end up walking away or yelling or, most usually, both yelling while walking away.

  3. “Pam Keith, ex Naval Jag Officer. ”

    Well that explains it. She was DEI before it was called DEI. How about she takes an I.Q. test? Notice she didn’t go make big money in a law firm. She tried to go straight into politics and failed. She’s a DFL.

  4. Burning the Stars and Stripes = free speech!

    Doing a burnout on a pride mural in an intersection = hate crime?

    Tells you almost all you need to know about the left.

  5. @ Ain’t it the Truth Monday, 17 June 2024, 12:48 at 12:48 pm,
    Whelp! I am glad that I didn’t check it out as my last working brain cell would be smoked!

  6. The CCP streamlined the protest methodology leftist/terrorists in the West imitate to the letter since the 1960s. Happens more consistently now. That’s the only difference.

  7. ^^^^ My comments. Hit the “post comment” too quickly.
    “The CCP streamlined the protest methodology leftist/terrorists in the West imitate to the letter since the 1960s. Happens more consistently now. That’s the only difference.”

  8. @99th

    You’re good. As I read the Anonymous comment it did not seem like his usual vomit. The bad anonymous that is, not the good anonymous. We have more than one, it appears.

  9. @Bad Anonypuss.

    You’re crazy. Ukraine is face down on the mat. By the end the the year, or any day now, he’ll fist the floor three times to signal the end of this one-sided slugfest.

    His only hope is lots of soldiers from western Europe and the US to do his fighting for him. If he had any humanity, he would end the suffering of his people.

    He and his falsely tittied wife will flee to Paris or London and be treated like movie stars, for awhile. Stay tuned, numbskull.

  10. ^^^^^^
    Ukraine lost that war six months ago. But why would Putin stop his biggest enemy from spending themselves broke. Libtards are a special kind of stupid.

  11. Tim Buktu

    “He and his falsely tittied wife will flee to Paris or London and be treated like movie stars, for awhile. Stay tuned, numbskull.”

    They’ll flee to Florida. Virtually all the Uke thugs have purchased mansions in Florida. The piano player has a few. In fact he resettled his parents in one. The upper crust of Ukraine has fled to America while the peasants have been left to be killed by the Ruskies. I had to get my drivers license renewed last year, and the DMV was packed full of Ukrainian men and women getting I.D.s. Packed. That’s no bull shit. I’m in NorCal.

  12. Thanks, Tim Buktu. I was paranoid about being mistaken for any anonymous reader commenting. Even the good ones can be annoying. They’re too disassociated without a screen name.


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