Springfield, Ohio woman says homeless Haitians are trying to camp out on her front yard, says she “wants out of this town.”
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 9, 2024
“I have men that cannot speak English in my front yard, screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard.”
“Look at me, I weigh 95 pounds. I couldn't… pic.twitter.com/eShzG8grC1
21 Comments on Fundamentally Changing America As We Know It
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Why is she so intolerant of diversity? It makes us strong.
I thought we still had a 2nd amendment? If a 90 pound woman fears for her life?
Down here in Florida my Sheriff gets upset if you don’t turn them into, “grated cheese”.
She doesn’t need a reason to stay, she needs a 9mm. If she were a bit bigger I’d recommend a .45
My sympathy is in reserve until I know who she voted for.
When alien criminals are expected to live comfortably in the presence of fearful citizens, you no longer live in a free and just society.
Ohio gun laws are not restrictive.
These people need to get their hands on some and stick up for themselves.
Is her husband afraid to speak?
A milquetoast reaction like that will get them nothing.
We are rapidly approaching the day when citizens will be forced to take matters into their own hands. It’s inevitable as it’s obvious those in power have no intention of lending any relief, with this issue or many others. In fact, they’re encouraging the abuse and displacement of American citizens. A member of any species can only ignore aggression against it before it reverts to survival mode. In over seven decades I’ve never seen the level of unhappiness and tension among members of American society. Sad to witness the decline of this once great nation – all intentional.
…Meetings of this type generally require you to sign in somehow with your name and address, to prove you are a resident to “have standing” to speak at these meetings. Whether read aloud or not it is public record, and Democrat thugs can easily access it.
I wonder if they sent brownshirts after this lady for daring to speak?
And would the Democrat media tell us if they did?
…also, tough to sell your house with a violent refugee camp in the front yard. Too bad Springfield is more afraid of bad press than they are her, or they could, you know, have some cops enforce some laws or something to help her…
Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 7:18 at 7:18 am
“Ohio gun laws are not restrictive.
These people need to get their hands on some and stick up for themselves.”
…yes and no, highly variant depending on where you are. Most Communist cities will put you in jail for “brandishing” if you present a weapon and dont use it, on the theory that youre not in fear for your life if you dont immediately shoot to kill. Even if its righeous they will detain you and take your gun, then make sure everyone knows they took your gun if they DO release you.
And you aint NEVER getting it back.
And I suspect if you plugged one and got detained, that youd find all his freinds in your house when you got back, none too happy and pretty experienced with machetes…
(Long distance) Sniper action. From a hidden location.
Same tactics used by the Provo IRA against the Brits.
Shoot & Scoot.
Doesn’t take a high powered precision rifle to do the deed.
Minute-of-man is close enough.
If you miss your intended target, and hit the person next to him, close enough.
When thugs start dropping next to their buddy comrades, and they can’t see who did it, after a short while, the thugs are gonna move on to less threatening pastures.
“…Meetings of this type generally require you to sign in somehow with your name and address, to prove you are a resident”
They should add party affiliation and who you voted for last time around. Not that I don’t feel sorry for her but sooner or later you need to catch a clue.
“Same tactics used by the Provo IRA against the Brits.
Shoot & Scoot.”
Sorry, I have shoot and scoot trademarked.
Find out where the members of the city council live and bring a bunch of the Haitians over there to camp out on their lawns.
Dirty deeds…done dirt cheap…
Dealing death to the invader is a necessity. How it is done is a question, but the invader will not be deterred by anything less than the prospect of sudden death or catastrophic injury. He is confident in his position as a beneficiary of government.
Government is on the side of the invader. Sudden …considerations… will need to begin happening to government agents as well, until government catches on and stops supporting the invader. This will take some time. Though it no longer matters in most locales, correct voting must continue as well.
Ohio gun laws would favor this women if she decided to defend her home. Angers me that she has lived her life for this long and now has to consider this. I feel very vunerable if I don’t have my gun with me, but 50 years ago I did not. We live in different times. I grew up in Ohio and loved it. We are headed for a clash and I think soon.
Rule 308
Wild Bill
They need to go to WRSA to finish this read which is no more. WRSA, and a few others started pounding home the long range stuff about three years ago. Which is why I personally believe they are no more.