Furious Judge in Manafort Case Calls Out Mueller as a Witch Hunter – IOTW Report

Furious Judge in Manafort Case Calls Out Mueller as a Witch Hunter


A federal judge expressed deep skepticism Friday in the bank fraud case brought by special counsel Robert Mueller’s office against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, at one point saying he believes that Mueller’s motivation is to oust President Donald Trump from office.

“You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump’s “prosecution or impeachment,” Ellis said.
“That’s what you’re really interested in,” said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

Mueller is seeking 70 blank subpoenas in the Manafort case according to a Thursday court filing by the Special Counsel.

Paul Manafort first made arguments in a suit with Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions as Head of the DOJ, related to illegalities in the way that Rosenstein set up the Mueller special counsel. Rosenstein’s special counsel order was not based on a crime and unconstitutionally stated that Mueller could basically look at anything he wanted to look at. These provisions are against the law and are now for the courts to settle.


16 Comments on Furious Judge in Manafort Case Calls Out Mueller as a Witch Hunter

  1. Yeah but… thus far it’s just same ole, same ole. Harsh words about how what was done or is still being done. Is an disgusting outrage that should have never been allowed to happen. And then that’s it.

    A right opinion stated with anger. Then no legal action taken to stop or limit the wrong doing or to punish the bad man. Only – You sir, are a very bad man doing bad things that ought not be done. Now get out of my court room, get back to to searching for a crime that never happened, under the authority of marching orders, that did not actually name a crime to be investigated, as required by law. Wake me when their are jail sentences for abuse of power handed out.

  2. Mueller’s people have been given enough rope. I have a strong feeling that a suicide by hanging epidemic is on the horizon in the Comey-Clinton-Obama universe. Let the indictments begin!

  3. Robespierre Mueller and his malodorous legal mercenaries may have met their match. We are witnessing Justice and the Law being applied to a mob of modern day Jacobins.

  4. Not so fast. Rule #27 in the SC/DOJ rule book specifically states, “when all else fails, you shall shop for judges most favorable to your cause, I mean case”. Emphasis on “shall”.

  5. So… at least this judge, having seen, beyond reasonable doubt, the gross incompetence, mental disease and/or defect causing incapacitation, and/or simple corruption, of the judge(s) who participated in this outrage against The Rule of Law™, will be tossing all past and future rulings from these corrupt, incapacitated, and/or incompetent fellows? Or do we only kick the dogs?

  6. Finally! After liberal Republican appointee, after leftist Republican appointee ! We get a Ronnie man!
    Someone who believes America is the greatest country ever!

    What has GWB said?

  7. I predict an early morning raid on the judge’s home and offices to seize any communications between the judge and anyone with any connections to Trump.

    Followed by a ruling favorable to Muldoon.


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