Gabe Adams – An Inspiration – IOTW Report

Gabe Adams – An Inspiration

Here’s a kid with no arms and legs who decided that he’s going to be a dancer. Right there, that shows a bit of moxie. That’s like Bernie Sanders entering a posture contest.

I’m a cynic, I was asking myself if I really wanted to see a limbless person dancing?

I’m glad I watched. Gabe Adams has had a positive influence on me. Thanks kid.


Here’s the dance routine.

h/t Unruly Refugee


15 Comments on Gabe Adams – An Inspiration

  1. Not me either, Billy.
    I’m prolly one of the biggest smart-asses on here, but even I gotta draw the line somewhere.

    I like the kid. God bless him, and I hope he keeps dancing!

    Thanks Fur….This story made my day.

  2. Sadly, this used to be the stuff of carnival side-shows.

    Who knows… with technology, Sony or Honda or some other robotics pioneer might create him a body to go with what’s apparently good mind and a stout, willing heart!

  3. I see something like this and I think “Okay. So, what’s my excuse?”

    Someone like this puts us all to shame. We talk about getting out of the bed every morning. Imagine if you had to actually think about *how* to get out of bed?

  4. I guess I’m the huckleberry. I thought it was horrible.

    Not that his performance was bad; but using that boy as a freak show is inexcusable. Yeah, I know – he *wants* to dance. It’s his choice.

    Fine. What if his choice was to be on the basketball team? What if football or soccer was what he loved to do that made him happy? Are we gonna put him out on the field, throw a ball at him, and have all the other players modify their gameplay to accommodate him?

    Because that’s what those other dancers were doing. The overall pattern of their group dance was designed around his limited mobility. They constantly left a “hole” in their formation to allow for his 15 foot or so diameter range of movement.

    The people encouraging the kid in this direction need their heads examined.

    Look, I don’t have a problem with the kid. I’m sure he’s a great guy, and we all have dreams. But we also all have limitations, mental, physical, or otherwise which may prevent us from achieving them. This kid, unfortunately, has a lot more limitations than most of us. Which sucks, but is also immutable reality.

    Watching that poor kid flail around on the floor, because he’s been told he can be a “dancer” was sickening.

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