Gaetz Slams Karlan At Impeachment Hearing. He Used Facts To Expose Her Extreme Bias – IOTW Report

Gaetz Slams Karlan At Impeachment Hearing. He Used Facts To Expose Her Extreme Bias

Sara A Carter: Rep. Matt Gaetz took on Stanford Law School Professor Pamela Karlan at Wednesday’s House Judiciary impeachment hearing. He grilled her on the thousands of dollars she’s given in donations to Democratic candidates, her participation in an anti-President Donald Trump podcast and then schooled her on her manners, after she made a nasty statement regarding President Trump’s youngest son Barron. go see

23 Comments on Gaetz Slams Karlan At Impeachment Hearing. He Used Facts To Expose Her Extreme Bias

  1. This misandrist is so infected by Trump Derangement Syndrome that she can’t even pretend to be rational. Representative Matt Gaetz put this termagant in her place, which is the dustbin. Hard to believe that this looney lesbian was on President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton’s short list to be nominated for a seat on the Supreme Court.

  2. It shouldn’t be that hard…Stanford isn’t what it used to be. I’ve worked with some of the graduate “Engineers” that should have gone to community college! They were more concerned with their self image than their knowledge!

  3. Noah Feldman was even more vitriolic with contempt for Republicans and Conservatives…It really doesn’t matter because he’ll vote for mayor Pete…because, well, you know….wink, wink…..LOL…..

  4. from Limbaugh … gleaned from National Review 10/10/2013

    “Stanford law professor Pamela Karlan is a favorite candidate of the Left for a Supreme Court seat, in large part because (as this 2009 New York Times article put it) the Left ‘hungers for a full-throated, unapologetic liberal torchbearer.’”

    & she puts herself in a category of “Snarky, bisexual Jewish women.”

    …. lovely …. charming

  5. I guess we are all experts at the ripe ole age of…49. Other than Turley there were none available to fit their AGENDA.

    So sick of these supposed experts that know fucking nothing and hate me/us(a).

    She is more like a Professor Borisa Karloff, the Bride of Nadlerstein.

  6. @Marco!!!!!!! For the win!!! Vocabulary expansion. Termagant. The perfect word. I looked it up.
    ‘A harsh tempered or overbearing woman.’

    Used in a dating profile sentence…. curmudgeon seeking a nonTermagant for long walks in the park, rescuing orphaned animals and spooning after dark.

    Sadly termangants, like the dead, are the last in the room to recognize their situation.

    Sorry. I got totally lost in vocabulary exercise.

    Oh my goodness. Apologies.

  7. @Marco ~ “Hard to believe that this looney lesbian was on President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton’s short list to be nominated for a seat on the Supreme Court.”

    no … unfortunately, it’s not

  8. This was epic. Matt is my Rep here in the FL Panhandle. I have emailed him in the past and will be sure to again to thank him.

    He quickly exposed these people as the partisan hacks that they are. I think the Golden Moment in his questioning was in asking Karlan why she gave more money to Hillary. This unsettled her and her response was ridiculous. I tend to think Matt did have some purpose for it and didn’t just throw it out there glibly. It raised the specter of “inequality” and “bias” which Lefties hammer everyone else with and she likely wanted Hillary’s affection and consideration for an appointment. Either way, it found its mark.

  9. PHenry: Thanks for the comments regarding termagant. I’ve been using that one for several decades after being involved with one years ago. But misandrist is a new discovery. I think that this snarky, bisexual Jewish woman hates men, especially powerful, successful, Conservative men.

  10. Total Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt nt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cuntcunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt nt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt nt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt

  11. I would have LOVED to watch Stefanik question her. It would have been a split screen of the smartest, classiest Republican woman on the right side of the screen and the joyless, mean representative of ALL progressive women on the left side.

  12. It is fascinating to watch- nothing new under the sun. Those who love the light and those who don’t. If God is love, the lack thereof- indifference appears to be the currency of the realm for Democrats, after all they did take God out of their platform. No shame. The Truth has no agenda, despises delay and always triumphs in the end.

  13. Goodness, the Marxist Demonrats found a man-hating, white guilted, strident, ugly, nasty, feminazi, Marxist cunt who promptly demonstrated the ability to hate on a child.

    The soulless Satanist and her queer companion radical professors showed America that the hatred of Trump sponsored by the Devil is the only thing nourishing Demonrats.

    There is a big storm coming and they are absolutely terrified.

    These stupid bastards hand three more shovels to idiots to help dig their hole to hell..


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