Gags the Clown – IOTW Report

Gags the Clown

Somebody dressed as a scary clown has been making random appearances late at night on the streets of Green Bay last week. Who ever has been doing it freaked people out. There’s even a Facebook page to document any new sightings of the menacing figure nicknamed “Gags.”

WBAY, the ABC affiliate in Green Bay, claims to have solved the mystery. Here

I guess this is the opening round of the August silly season for news stories.

12 Comments on Gags the Clown

  1. Bad_Brad, about twenty years ago, my wife and I went to Paris on some Valentines Day special deal. Naturally, we had a big fight. But before we had the fight we’d passed this asshole “clown” on stilts who would sidle up to unsuspecting tourists and pop off these sad little firecrackers to startle them for the amusement of sidewalk cafe patrons.

    So my wife and I get into it, and I say screw it I’m going back to the hotel. I’m headed back, and there’s Pennywise on stilts in the distance doing his thing. I’m hoping he’ll take a wide berth around me because I’m not in the mood, but I see him circling around in my peripheral. I wait for him to get close behind me, I can hear his stupid clomping stilts, and I wheel around and yell, “FUCK OFF, ASSHOLE”. The guy just about falls off his stilts and the cafe gives me a standing O, to which I reply, “HAPPY FUCKING VALENTINES DAY” as I pass.

    My wife saw the whole thing from a safe distance and still kids me about being her Ugly American.

  2. Know what I’d do? I’d pull a Scooby Doo villain.

    Rig up a pretty quiet drone with human shaped translucent plastic sheeting, luminous paint, etc, and remotely fly it around various sparsely populated locations at night. Once every six months or so. Let it hover around just long enough for it to get spotted, then withdraw. No risk of getting shot, like this fool.

  3. Act as “emcee”, from M.C. or Master of Ceremonies , the preferred term for a clown taking on the role of “Ringmaster”. “Sit in” with the orchestra , perhaps in a “pin spot” in the center ring, or from a seat in the audience.

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