Game Of Thrones Is Rotting Your Brain – IOTW Report

Game Of Thrones Is Rotting Your Brain

The seventh season of “Game of Thrones” is going to air this Sunday and the writer of the linked column thinks you’d be better off  letting George R.R. Martin’s creation go.

“But the real problem with Game of Thrones is not that it is, like most American popular culture these days, fundamentally adolescent. It is that it is obscene. It is not just bad art; it is art that is bad and bad for you.”





26 Comments on Game Of Thrones Is Rotting Your Brain

  1. My wife watches this religiously. She’s lost.
    Leaving the room isn’t enough. That theme song resonates thoughout the house and pierces my skull no matter where I hide. MAKE.IT.STOP!

  2. Season 7? I don’t recall hearing anything about Thornes until about a year ago and I thought it was new. I’ll just have to keep on missing out as I wait for the new Rick & Morty shows.

  3. I’ve read the first two or three books (they kind of blend together) and may pick it up again, but it didn’t seem to get anywhere or mean anything, just demanded a lot of time to read 500+ pages of fantasy fluff.

  4. Bought the first season of House of Cards and just couldn’t bring self to watch past the episode of simulated sodomy. After that blatent crap, I wouldnt even consider Game of Thrones. Figured that stunk also.

  5. I’m a sucker for sci fi/fantasy but not so much the fantasy part. I watch GoT but cannot keep track of the storyline and who hates who and why. The battles are gross and I think they kill off characters for shock value. We still watch but half heartedly.

  6. “… wizard porn … “ lmao!
    actually watched 2 episodes, at the behest of She Who Must Be Obeyed & my son who are fans … sorry, got better things to do w/ my time than watch poorly written & just plain bad shows …. (obviously I don’t watch much tv anymore)

  7. I got drawn into LOST and followed it because it had an end date. When that ended I swore I would never watch a serial show again ever. I am not patting myself on the back for not watching Game of Thrones, I just glad I haven’t.

  8. Never seen it. I think it airs on a channel I don’t get, and anyway, I had no interest in watching a show that thought it was a good idea to put a replica of President G.W. Bush’s severed head on a pike. That right there was all I needed to know about it.

  9. Moe Tom and I have identical tastes.
    We don’t watch exactly the same shows.

    Most TV now, and for many years, is just terribly disappointing garbage.

    We really enjoyed the first season and a half of Downton Abbey until they started killing off characters. And the first 2 seasons of Sherlock until they ran out of ideas. And I’ve enjoyed Z Nation. (My wife loved World War Z but hated Zombieland. Go figure)


  10. I watched the show for the first 2 and a half seasons then it just got so boring with pretty the same story season after season so I dropped it off. I may watch the last show of the series though just to see who made it.

  11. Hollywood, and other idiots, can no longer seem to tell a story over multiple seasons without using soft core porn.

    I could not imagine J.R.R. Tolkien resorting to such depravity (I know, he was a pretty religious guy).

  12. I watched some bullshit show that was Okay and my wife said, “you should watch game of thrones.”

    Didn’t make it past the first half of the first episode of the first season. Tried again and failed.

    House of Cards I also don’t like it’s bullshit too.

  13. I’m with Mork, nanoo, nanoo…..

    I read the first three books. The series is not bad. There is much worse trash out there to waste your time on.

    And we watch Walking Dead, and Fear the Living Dead.

  14. I myself, don’t watch it. The over the top rape and incest is just disgusting [and I believe purposefully overdone to try and ‘normalize’ it.]

    I do find the world it’s based in very interesting, and I have read the first two books [so those are pretty okay with me]. But the two directors of the tv adaptation have proven themselves over and over again to be perverse monsters. The violence, rape, and incest seen in the tv series is LARGELY increased compared to the books, also certain characters have been absolutely ruined just to placate said monstrosities.
    [Jamie and Jon especially].

    Why anyone still watches it is beyond me. Especially right after they killed off Margaery [yet another character still alive in the books.]

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