Gang Member Punk Sucker Punches and Kills 70 Year-old Man – IOTW Report

Gang Member Punk Sucker Punches and Kills 70 Year-old Man

He was a San Bernardino Sheriff’s Deputy.


16 Comments on Gang Member Punk Sucker Punches and Kills 70 Year-old Man

  1. The Pit and the pendulum treatment would also work very effectively, slowly until this bastard is completely cut in half. Drawing and quartering like what they did to William Wallace would also be appropriate and then take this jerks head, put it on a pike for public display and send his quartered body to his homies as a warning that their next.

  2. By this account, he should have been incarcerated and not on the streets during this altercation… It will be found that the old man was murdered by the sidewalk and NOT the punch. The city will look in to creating “softer” sidewalks and this POS will be back on the streets next week.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. I live not too far where this happened. They haven’t released this creature’s picture yet, though everyone can see that it is a Son of Obama. They say they are not releasing its photo because they don’t want to taint the witness accounts. Yeah, right. They have already taken the witness statements and arrested the creature. Just release its photo already.

  4. Can’t believe a Cop would be caught flat footed like that. It can happen to anybody if you allow a Nigga into your space. And the fellow who stopped Obama’s son with his truck? Who will pay for the damage(?), and who will sue him for imperiling their lives? We live in a sick society.

  5. 🌟 FIRST MISTAKE! White people have a BAD HABIT of doing this, never ever EVER let someone get in punching-range of your body. THUG-LIFE 101 right there.

    🌟 NEVER TURN YOUR BACK. You face thugs the entire time, and walk backwards to safety if necessary.

    🌟 DON’T INTERACT WITH THUGS! Walk on the other side of the street, duck into a store until they pass, STAY AWAY from pay phones, pan-handlers, and bus stops, they’ll hit you up for money every time. Then they get pissy when you refuse them.

    🌟 STOP DONATING MONEY TO CHARITY! All that “Toys for Tots” crap goes to inner-city thugs and their illegit. kids. Not white trailer parks. You get spoiled demanding privileged THUG BRATS who grow up wondering why they doing get free shit handed to them ever day.

  6. 🌟 OBSERVATION #2 🌟

    🌟 Anyone notice the thug’s car ALREADY has a dent on the passenger side? What’s he complaining about? His car is already a P.O.S. Isn’t HE the one who rear-ended the Sheriff’s car? And I don’t see any real damage to either one.

    🌟 WALTER WHITE. Anyone else notice the Sheriff looked strikingly like the Breaking Bad character?

    🌟 Keep a gun in your coat/hoodie pocket When you put your hands in there, you look passive, but also you are ready to pull out and fire when dealing with people like this. It’s the unwritten “HOOD RULE” than when someone jams their hands into their coat pockets, they are grabbing a gun, and the argument is OVER.


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