Gannett Tells USA Today to Publish More News – IOTW Report

Gannett Tells USA Today to Publish More News

Red State

Newspaper chain Gannett has told its newsrooms across the nation to cut down on opinion pieces and biased articles which are “repelling” their readers and driving away subscribers. Gannett, which owns USA Today as well as local papers in virtually every state, is rated “Left-Center” by Media Bias / Fact Check, so you can bet the readers aren’t objecting to the rare conservative viewpoint. No, they’re just sick of being lectured to. More

12 Comments on Gannett Tells USA Today to Publish More News

  1. HA! The head honchos are finally waking up to the truth of “get woke, go broke”, as it affects their bottom line and jobs. Unfortunately, it may be too late for many woke corporations.

  2. The scribes can’t get out of their own skin. They are used to writing the party line with full coloring by connotation and they can’t get past it. All proclamations of the Uniparty are given the most dire/flowery prose as required. All conservative values are assigned only malicious or at least greedy self-interest as motives.

  3. Gannet’s over 250 newspapers are already scaling back their opinion pages and scrapping political endorsements except on the “local level”.

    Nope. They STILL haven’t gotten the message. Local propaganda is still propaganda.

  4. A most successful window washer taught me to clean windows with newspaper. When leaving a hotel I grab a few USA Todays just for that purpose. That’s about all they’re good for.

  5. Local Gannett rag ran an “op ed” entitled “The economy is so bad it’s actually good” (saw an ad hyping it while looking online at obits). What? Baffle’m with BS.

  6. Every newspaper would be fine today if they would’ve simply maintain their posture of publishing pro and con views on every issue. That went away at least 20 years ago

  7. USA Today is the print equivalent to CNN; if airport terminals & Hotels didn’t give it away to customers, they’d probably go under.
    So ‘journalists’ have to actually WORK a story instead of making shit up?
    That should prove interesting.

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