Garcetti Wants “Universal Basic Income” For Angelenos – IOTW Report

Garcetti Wants “Universal Basic Income” For Angelenos


Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is set to propose a “universal basic income” pilot program for some residents of his city when he unveils his new budget on Tuesday, according to the Los Angeles Times. A year ago, the cash-strapped city was sending workers on furloughs due to anticipated budget shortfalls.

But thanks to an unexpected economic recovery under President Donald Trump, and federal cash from President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 relief bill, L.A. is ready to spend money. More

18 Comments on Garcetti Wants “Universal Basic Income” For Angelenos

  1. Wonder why Marxists starve millions..? Marxists have a prethala of selfish-righteous selfish ways.

    I seems selling out to globalists is popular among most corporations too who steal your reps…..

  2. I predict a $500 increase in drug use, per recipient. Supply the drugs, sell the drug, have someone else help pay for them.
    Sound like a win-win, unless your the one paying for them.

  3. Had a bad ass come to here. Canceled because I was posting to fast. Again. What the fuck is that? I’m not retyping it. Hit me with a shit load of TU’s so I can sleep tonight. Lol

  4. “Universal” but applies to only some people. This is a vote buying, virtue-signaling scheme. Now the candidates for Mayor can have bidding wars for who will promise to pay the most to an ever-expanding list of deserving identity groups.

  5. How can Anyone look at the Fate of the Black Population after LBJ’s

    “Universal Income” and think this is a swell Idea?

    The dnc Leadership counts this as a successful Op.

  6. Double purpose.
    Enslaves the maggots who receive it.
    Enslaves the taxpayers who pay it.

    And you can bet your ass there’ll be a huge bureaucracy set up to oversee it (and take the skim).

    Guess that makes it a Triple purpose?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. While some of us have scraped & saved lifelong for a decent retirement, government fuckheads (Fed) keep printing so much fiat currency that dollars held become less and less valuable as time goes by. Runaway inflation’s already with us.
    There’s the biggest theft of all, besides theft of Rights, and it’s right under our noses.

  8. How about a universal basic income of zero for every one? No white privilege, no black welfare, no coddling of latinos legal or illegal. If a person wants to spend it on drugs, fine. If he wants to eat, he can get a job!


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