Garland Deploys The FBI To Intimidate Parents Opposed To CRT – IOTW Report

Garland Deploys The FBI To Intimidate Parents Opposed To CRT


Days after a national organization representing school board officials lamented to the Biden administration about “hate groups” intimidating education officials, Attorney General Merrick Garland has directed the FBI to combat “threats of violence” against administrators.

Without citing specific cases, in a memorandum issued on Monday, Merrick Garland expressed concern about a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation’s public schools.” More

27 Comments on Garland Deploys The FBI To Intimidate Parents Opposed To CRT

  1. The irony. Elected officials request protection and demand persecution of the same people that elected them. Conservatives take their kids education pretty damn seriously. I would be surprised to see the goon squad run into “prepared” parents.

  2. This makes me thin of that old joke about the kids in school talking about what their dads for a living and one little boy says he dad is a dancer in a gay strip club and blows customers on the side. When questioned by the teacher he confesses that he was too embarrassed to tell the truth that his dad is a deputy director of the FBI.

  3. “a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence”

    In other words, differences of opinion that are not permitted and therefore must be punished.

  4. Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has also spoken out, saying his state “will not allow federal agents to squelch dissent.”

    “Attorney General Garland is weaponizing the DOJ by using the FBI to pursue concerned parents and silence them through intimidation,” he wrote in a Tweet. “Florida will defend the free speech rights of its citizens and will not allow federal agents to squelch dissent.”

  5. and don’t forget, the school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff get more taxpayer funding when your kids are on meds

    how many generations do we have now that’s been on the adhd train because the public school system decided your kids need to be on their dope?

  6. Under Biden, Law enforcement (all of them) has become so corrupt that we are worse off than most. Soon we will be on a par with Venezuela.
    I made comments on line about DC cops setting up shop in Jacksonville and Tampa Florida; and now I am getting tickets from Tampa for running red lights and the like.
    I live on the other side of the state, and have not been to Tampa in over 35 years, and my vehicle has not been there in the 16 years I have owned it.
    The ticket goes to the State of Florida for enforcement on my license and the money goes to Arizona. My State Rep. has not been able to contact anyone who will take responsibility; and now every cop in the state is more than happy to screw with me as I show up in their system as they scan tags. It does not matter that my vehicle is nothing like the picture and the tag in the picture is not legible.
    ( I wonder; should I shoot first or get killed over a tag scam by Democrat DC Cops ) This is what this F _ _ ed up country has become under Biden !!!


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