Gavin Newsom Joyfully Invites California to Reopen – IOTW Report

Gavin Newsom Joyfully Invites California to Reopen

Governor Newsom ends COVID lockdowns by joyfully shouting reopen to rows of abandoned, dilapidated buildings throughout California.

15 Comments on Gavin Newsom Joyfully Invites California to Reopen

  1. Honestly that video doesn’t do GAVIN justice. He’s the worst public speaker I’ve ever heard. They need to fill that video with constants umms,and aws. He sucks. It’s painful to listen to the asshole. And he’ll keep it up for hours.

  2. As a resident of the sad state of CA, I can tell you Governor Hitler Hair Gel is a complete idiot. When he speaks to his servants (citizens) he looks and sounds like a snake hissing. Can’t wait till he’s out. It happened before, Grey Davis, in CA . Why do we get most of the strangest, incompetent politicians in the entire country?

  3. @Brad, not only does he hem and haw and umm his way through a “speech”, he does so in this raspy voice that grates more than nails on a chalkboard.
    I want to know who almost strangled him, not to determine why, that is obvious.
    I want to find that person and bitch-slap him for not completing the job.

  4. @Brad: There’s still dedicated people out here collecting signatures to put that recall over the top. We are very close to getting rid of this asshole. The State of CA is still on lock down until no masks are required to go into restaurants, stores, etc. Tired of wearing my spurs every day just to function.


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