Gavin Newsom opens investigation- wants to know why California gas prices are so high – IOTW Report

Gavin Newsom opens investigation- wants to know why California gas prices are so high

Red State-

According to ABC:

The California Energy Commission said it “does not have any evidence that gasoline retailers fixed prices or engaged in false advertising.” But it said the industry did not provide any proof that its gasoline was better than what the state requires all retailers to sell.

Catherine Reheis-Boyd, president of the Western States Petroleum Association, said the industry trade group is reviewing the report. But she said it was important to note California’s fuel taxes and standards, which are more strict than other states, account for the first $1.07 per gallon at the pump.

18 Comments on Gavin Newsom opens investigation- wants to know why California gas prices are so high

  1. I notice this is a pattern with all democrat politicians now, every one…

    1. They accuse others out of the blue of crimes that only they have actually committed, e.g. Russian Collusion, quid pro quo, influence peddling, etc.

    2. They love calling for investigations into problems their laws and policies caused, as if nobody will figure out how full of shit they’re being (Well, I guess their fucktarded base never will.).

    3. They think they can counteract nature and hard economic forces by passing laws, as if nature gives a rat fuck about stupid laws.

  2. “But it said the industry did not provide any proof that its gasoline was better than what the state requires all retailers to sell.”

    WTF does that even mean? That sounds like something Kamala Harris would say.

  3. Had a great night last night. Had Taco Bell and lots of Steel Reserve malt liquor.

    Off topic, I am instigating an investigation on why my ass is on fire. Somebody’s gonna pay.

  4. Hello, VenezueLA! Price controls must be put in place to provide all Californians with fair prices at the pump while guaranteeing producers a fair government determined profit.

  5. “Gavin Newsom opens investigation- wants to know why California gas prices are so high”

    I’m guessing some Asshole is going to try and convince me that Prick-face Gavin and/or democraps alike have no mirrors in their ivory towers.

  6. Agenda Calendar for Governor Gavin Newsom:
    1. Raise gas tax to fix the roads.
    2. Spend collected taxes on Illegals and Welfare Recipients.
    3. Launch investigation into high gas prices and reason why roads are falling apart. (Heads will roll!)

  7. Trump killed the port of Long Beach deal with the Chinese over security concerns, which probably cost Newsome & Co. big bucks in lost yuan payola.
    Hey, the country club dues gotta come from somewhere!


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