Geico Caveman, Rep. Al Green, Says Impeachment Is Not Dead – IOTW Report

Geico Caveman, Rep. Al Green, Says Impeachment Is Not Dead

One of the most vocal “Impeach 45” proponents is not taking the bad news of the Mueller report laying down. He said the report did NOT investigate the president’s bigotry, as if, if true, that is an impeachable offense.


The congressman tweeted that Mueller’s report, which was submitted on Friday and the key findings of which were released Sunday, “did NOT investigate bigotry emanating from the Presidency harming our country.”

He continued: “The findings do NOT negate the President’s bigotry. As long as bigotry influences the President’s policies, I will continue to seek his impeachment. #ImpeachmentIsNotDead.”

Green’s sentiment echoed what he told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto on  “Your World with Neil Cavuto” earlier this month — that “bigotry is impeachable.”

*Rep. Al Green

The Democrat said during his interview that he planned to force an impeachment vote against Trump, despite a lack of support from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.


Bigotry is impeachable, but not if your bigotry is Jew hatred.

*Geico caveman reference courtesy of Guv Lawyer

15 Comments on Geico Caveman, Rep. Al Green, Says Impeachment Is Not Dead

  1. It’s been reported today that I.G. Horowitz’s FISA-Abuse Report will be completed and submitted by May or June…
    Once the Dems involved in that are exposed…
    ..*I’d* say impeachment is dead…as are the Dems as a Party.

  2. Oh, c’mon, Al … “Let’s Stay Together!”

    No greater, or more despicable, bigot than Al Green.
    If bigotry were an impeachable offense, Obola would have been impeached before he took office.

    What a toad.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Impeachment is not dead. And his & his friends’ own theories are also not dead. So we listen to this stuff, until all Dems are dead? How long do we have to wait?

  4. Oh are we citizens now prosecutable for opinions, however misguided? Because this greasy son-of-a-preacher (do he says) whitey hating racist needs to be booted to the front of line.
    Apparently Brylcreem Al didn’t read the directions, “A little dab will do you”, and I’m highly offended he’s appropriated the white man’s hairstyle.

  5. “The findings do NOT negate the President’s bigotry. As long as bigotry influences the President’s policies, I will continue to seek his impeachment.”

    Has he thought about impeaching Woodrow Wilson? Or Jefferson Davis? 🙄

  6. Not much more bigoted and “racist” than putting 120K Japanese in internment camps, Roosevelt is still a Prog icon.
    Cavemen can neither read nor write history.


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