Generous, To A Fault – IOTW Report

Generous, To A Fault

I was watching the first lady talk with the staff of a detention center for the children of illegal immigrants. The workers explained all the services and special care provided to their charges. Melania Trump thanked them for their hard work and dedication. The whole thing left me with the feeling that these must be the kindest, sweetest ‘Nazis‘ the world has ever known. More

15 Comments on Generous, To A Fault

  1. I think we are too soft and way too generous to our immigrants, both legal and illegal.
    All asylum claims from south of the border are manifestly fraudulent and all of them should be sent back. They are Mexico’s problem, they can deal with them.

  2. OT

    Haven’t been able to verify but, the frump at DOJ seems to have been fired.
    The article will not link but it is at some blog called The Freedom Fighter’s Journal.

  3. ANON and This Texan Has Had Enough, I’m waiting for the 4D chess experts to explain that to me.
    She meant that she doesn’t care about what others say? Was she trying to call attention to her trip?
    Is it her double? LOL

  4. Good intentions …Well we know the results. No matter what Melania does, she will be looked at as a co-conspirator of President Trump to destroy “immigrant” families.
    It would be best if Melania just stands by her man and tells the mainstream media she trust and suports her husband’s efforts to protect Americans by creating a strong border defense – period.
    She’s not an elected official and there is no need for her to visit the border runners detention centers. Obviously, Melania leans politically bleeding heart liberalism and chacteristically RINO.

  5. Melania should wear a jacket that reads “F#CK THE LYING MEDIA”
    – The media would be torn – Do we report this and expose the truth, or not?

    Contest suggestion – What should Melania’s jacket say?

  6. Why aren’t they assigning Judges with the poser to either accept a claim for entry for further review or deport the claimant immediately with no appeal? Then keep the families together as they get escorted back to Mexico.

  7. Confirmed: We have a POTUS Master Troller and we now have a FLOTUS burgeoning troller.

    I bet she could have spoken in Spanish to certain children and the Left would have had a collective aneurysm.

    That’s her. Great jacket…


  8. Postscript:

    Mayors went down there this afternoon, to a ‘detention center’ and were refused access.

    DiCommio was outraged…he could not get in.

    This is NOT a zoo asshat!

    This eff has no idea about law and protocol about PROTECTING the ‘woman and children’.

    He thinks this is Rikers or something and that EFF wants to sell the island and distribute prisoners throughout the five boroughs.

    The thing is, he is to much of a wussy to even go to Rikers.


  9. Keep the families together………..put them on a 747 and ship em BACK or to Mexico City whichever is farther away. Tell Mexico that their “aid” will be reduced for each one we have to transport!! Second time the illegals get a free trip to Patagonia!


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