George Floyd memorial statue in NYC vandalized with silver paint – IOTW Report

George Floyd memorial statue in NYC vandalized with silver paint

PM: The George Floyd memorial statue recently installed in Manhattan’s Union Square was vandalized on Sunday morning around 10 am by a male suspect who rode up to the site on a skateboard, the New York Post reported.

Video surveillance footage shows the unidentified man skating up to the area and then hiding behind an adjacent statue, one of the late civil rights leader John Lewis. The suspect could be seen reaching into a backpack he had brought with him. According to the footage, he then got on his skateboard and rolled past the statue of Floyd, splattering it with silver paint in the process. more

23 Comments on George Floyd memorial statue in NYC vandalized with silver paint

  1. John Lewis was not a “civil rights leader” but a corrupt old maggot.
    Another worthless parasite feeding off the taxpayers.

    Don’t understand why there’s a George Floyd statue in NY Shitty. Shouldn’t that be an Eric Garner statue?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m sure a plane load of FBI and DOJ minions are ON THE CASE already. Video from every Walmart, Home Depot and Lowes within fifty miles is no doubt being scrutinized around the clock. Dito for the skateboard shops. This Boogaloo Boy is going DOWN.

  3. Where else but in a woke Communist Amerikia would a worthless druggie
    scum ball felon have a statue erected to “honor” him. The only thing Georgie boy had going for him is he was a bad example of how to live your life, a very very bad example….and stupid. He was very stupid.

  4. Thirdtwin, it would seem that the FBI can only solve crimes they themselves commit. Given their track record over the last, oh I don’t know, 60 years, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of their own didn’t do it to stoke the racial bonfires

  5. Keep in mind statues are put up to remember people and emulate them.
    So don’t forget kitties to do your fentanyl and spend your counterfeit Chinese $20 bills freely.

  6. 99.9% probability that a black “activist” did this in order to get the urban troglodytes to get worked up about “white supremacists” again. I guess we can look forward to more 70 year old white women getting sucker punched by negro assholes again. Raaaaaaathizm!!!

  7. Notice that old race grifter John Lewis never once in his political career supported what he supposedly championed with MLK as ‘Merit over Color’! He soon learned, what MLK would have, that Africans would never be able to compete when it comes down to merit so he went with color!

  8. And yet, statues of George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson……are defaced and torn down, and not a peep of “outrage” from the woke left.


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