George Soros’ Goal—> Getting people to “accept the current migrant crisis as the new normal and moving beyond the need to react” – IOTW Report

George Soros’ Goal—> Getting people to “accept the current migrant crisis as the new normal and moving beyond the need to react”

Taki— That’s right—money that George Soros funnels into politics is designed to beat down the public consciousness to the point where they accept that being invaded and replaced and raped and decapitated is the “new normal.”

Other leaked documents reveal that in the year 2014 alone, Soros funded more than 90 separate projects designed to manipulate European elections. Another document lists 226 Members of the European Parliament who are “reliable allies” of the Open Society Foundations.

The hacks also reveal that Soros has poured cash into racial advocacy groups such as La Raza and Black Lives Matter. His multifarious front groups tried influencing US Supreme Court Justices to align with Barack Obama’s amnesty program, bribed journalists to cover events in Ukraine in ways sympathetic to Soros’s interests, and directed media smear campaigns against specified “Islamophobic” pundits such as Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller.

George Soros is a very bad man. We must stop this evil, scaly pterodactyl before he destroys all that is good and righteous and holy.


ht/ the big owe

19 Comments on George Soros’ Goal—> Getting people to “accept the current migrant crisis as the new normal and moving beyond the need to react”

  1. I personally believe this dirtbag is in daily contact with satan himself. Hell awaits, asshole! Unfortunately, Soros has spawn who are equally committed to his agenda. 😡

  2. He likes the idea because he has a personal bunker, and can hide in luxury while the armies of Satan duke it out with us.
    That’s fine,
    But your money can’t buy salvation.

  3. Too bad Interpole doesn’t have this peckerhead on their radar screens. A few death squads in the middle of the night sneaking into the worm’s hole would get the job done, then freeze all his assets globally.

  4. Seize all his US assets, businesses included. If he is in the US, then arrest him and try him for sedition, treason, whatever, freaking jaywalking, and toss him under the jail. If he is not in the US,revoke his passport if he has one, execute a warrant for his arrest and issue a reward, dead or alive for his apprehension. Make it so hard for him to conduct his business, that he has to hide under a rock somewhere.

  5. his being alive makes you wonder about our government.

    the cia murders citizens like breitbart with impunity but does not touch this scum sucker?

    who’s side are they really on?

  6. It like the militant fascist homos; The elites expect us to not only tolerate, but also to celebrate and excuse our muslim executioners…

    “This is what we call smart power, using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one’s enemies. Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view.”–HRC

    How well.would the elites tolerate the new normal if their goddam Davos conference had a truck driven through it, if their freakshow Bilderberger claque got shot up by six Lone Wolves, if fashion plate financier Christine Lagarde was decapitated in front of the IMF headquarters, if Obama’s smarmy Iftar dinner had an extra pressure cooker, if…

  7. Soros’ real goal – Getting people to “Accept the current illegal migrant invasion as the new normal and to compromise beyond the ability to react”

  8. The ‘goal’ is a one world government and a one world religion. The destruction of the middle-class is imperative if this is to become reality – hence, ObamaCare.

    First: Overwhelm and deplete the savings of the American people.
    Second: Disarm the American people.
    Third: Control the food.

    Soon. Very soon.

  9. I wanna see that spineless bastard dropped in downtown Baghdad – like the warden left on the island at the end of “No Escape (1994).”

    That seems a reasonable & fitting end for that corrupt sack – o – shiite. >:->

  10. Ol’ Scrotum Eyes has all the right politicians bribed.
    What we need is a picture of him burning a koran and tossing it at a mosque. That should cause him to lose his welcome in Washington.

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