Georgia Dept. of Corrections Called Racist For Posing In a Holiday Picture With Cotton – IOTW Report

Georgia Dept. of Corrections Called Racist For Posing In a Holiday Picture With Cotton

georgia dept. of corrections

They said they stood in a sea of cotton because it looked like snow. Over 25% of the people in the photo were black, and didn’t have a problem with it. But other progressive white people told the black people to be outraged. Progressive people like this stupid crunt –

“They’re in a cotton field. In Georgia. Which slaves notoriously worked for generations as they were beaten + the women were raped. Are you from the South? ‘Cause if you were, like I am, you’d understand this exhibits foundational racism.” -Blair Koenig, the author of blog STFU, Parents.

Had this holiday picture come and gone without the concern troll intervention, what would the damage have been?

Would blacks be sent back to the cotton fields? No. Would slavery resurrect? No.

Nothing would have happened. People, both black and white, working together, would have enjoyed the holidays.

The only strife and damage was the intervention itself.

The left needs to be eradicated.

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27 Comments on Georgia Dept. of Corrections Called Racist For Posing In a Holiday Picture With Cotton

  1. Dang, okay then. Next time a group of blacks want to pose with me in a cotton field, I will tell them their suggestion is racist.

    Wait, blacks can’t be racist. I’m confused? OHHH the white person is racist for the act of doing it, not the mere suggestion from a black folk to do it. Hmm, it’s so confusing. Or is the white people just racist because they are in a photo with black people and cotton? What is that shirt the black people are wearing made out of? I think black people should be shirtless in all photos from now on, it’s “foundational racism” to wear a cotton shirt. That would make more sense. Or should the white people be shirtless and the black people with a leather whip made from dead animal carcass? Maybe the black people should wear a whiteface. Think of all the possibilities.

  2. So, would it be racist if they were from Minnesota and took their picture in front of a corn field? I mean, corn is yellow. Is that racist too? Progs are mentally deranged. I wish the anchor on her arm was a real one, and someone tossed her over the side of a boat.

  3. Not sure if this was mentioned but it is a victory

    Republican David Yancey won a hotly contested Virginia House of Delegates race after his name was drawn from a bowl on Thursday. Last month, a recount put Democrat Shelly Simonds ahead of Yancey by just one vote, but the contest was later ruled a tie. With Yancey’s victory, Republicans retain their majority in the chamber. Simonds has indicated she may challenge the result

  4. A virtue-signalling nut job Grinch? What’s new? These lunatics also believe in “raw water”, “global warming”, and magical properties in melanin. I don’t think I’ll be taking them seriously anytime soon.

    This is the name of the screwball quoted (and their blog name). “..tweeted Blair Koenig, the author of blog STFU, Parents.”

  5. Looks like Blair Koenig has way too much time on her hands:

    Blair Koenig is a writer from Brooklyn, who, despite creating the parent-lecturing blog STFU, Parents, and writing about parenting on popular sites like Mommyish, has admitted she has no children of her own.
    Meet the (childless) woman behind vicious baby blog that ……

    (just search her name and “STFU, Parents”)

    I think Koenig needs a visit from our IOTWReport family, don’t you?

  6. Here’s a quote from the movie, THE LAST IF THE MOHICANS, that applies so well to progressives.

    “Do not try to understand them. Do not try to make them understand you. That is because they are a breed apart and can make no sense.”

    Saves me a lot of frustration trying to figure them out. Their thinking is convoluted, like a snake ball; wriggly and slimy. Just stand against them siting your beliefs, which need not be explained, because they won’t understand and don’t want to understand.

  7. From her blog, “STFU, Parents” — she apparently has waxed philosophical about placenta smoothies. Ewwwww! She’s a total crackpot. Too bad the agency took down the picture over THAT.

  8. Uh oh, Looks like your common garden variety libchick in dire need of a service….dog.

    How does she feel about China town in S.F.? They’re not inclusive of my culture, ya’know.

  9. THE LATEST LEFTIST PSYCHOSIS: “everything is racist.”

    ⚫ Everything is colonialism,
    ⚫ Everything is global freezing,
    ⚫ Everything is nuclear winter,
    ⚫ Everything is acid rain,
    ⚫ Everything is anti-gay,
    ⚫ Everything is not-politically correct,
    ⚫ Everything is global warming,
    ⚫ Everything is gay marriage,
    ⚫ Everything is the war on women,
    ⚫ Everything is leaving a carbon footprint,
    ⚫ Everything is Vegan,
    ⚫ Everything is police brutality,
    ⚫ Everything is triggering,
    ⚫ Everything is trans-everything,
    ⚫ Everything is a Nazi,
    ⚫ Everything is a white supremacist,
    ⚫ Everything is a Confederate statue,
    ⚫ Everything is Islamophobic,
    ⚫ Everything is anti-immigrant,
    ⚫ Everything is racist.

    They’ll move on to some other obsessive-compulsive disorder soon enough. Some college student will start some ridiculous leftist trend, and they will all rush in to participate in the new victimhood.

  10. Isn’t a tattoo also a sign of slavery and racism? Her tattoo reminds me that slaves were marked as property. Maybe she should have “Stupid” tattooed across her forehead to give us a suitable warning if she gets too close.

  11. We grow a LOT of cotton in Georgia and there are a LOT of black people in Georgia. So for some reason you can’t put them in a photo together ever because once upon a time, long ago, for a very small period of time, black folks were slaves? What about all of the thousands of years before that when people of every race got to be slaves? Surely she can find something to be offended by on their behalf.

  12. And someone should remind this bint that ALL the cotton-picking slaves were owned by her ideological forebears. ALL 4,000,000+ of them. Conservatives’ ideological ancestors slept with a clear conscience on that score.

  13. I remember reading here some time ago that having to pick cotton to get a pill out of a bottle, Tylenol, Aspirin etc.
    is racist. I think is was Shelia Jackson Lee who demanded
    that these pills be packed in saw dust or sand. Not sure.
    Maybe it was Blair Koenig who brought the matter up? Snopes can’t verify at this time but they are looking into the matter.

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