Georgia Recount Delayed By Dominion “Server Crash” – IOTW Report

Georgia Recount Delayed By Dominion “Server Crash”

Neon Nettle

A Dominion “server crash” has reportedly locked officials out from continuing with the Georgia recount, causing delays as the December 2 deadline approaches.

The mobile server for the newly purchased Dominion Voting Systems crashed and delayed the state’s third recount of the presidential election, officials in Georgia’s Fulton County told a local news outlet Sunday.

Technicians from the company “have been dispatched to resolve the issue,” they added. More

8 Comments on Georgia Recount Delayed By Dominion “Server Crash”


    Listening to Rush Show today we learned the Atlanta Dominion Server Repair Person was K. Harris’s Presidential Photographers.

    Lets see …. HUMMMMMM !!!!
    maybe they desperately trying to get in there to swap out the Motherboard with Vote Hacking Firmware still loaded on it.


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