Georgia Recount Less Than Optimal As Defined By State – IOTW Report

Georgia Recount Less Than Optimal As Defined By State

Letter informing the Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, he’s going to have to do better than this. Here

13 Comments on Georgia Recount Less Than Optimal As Defined By State

  1. We’ll see what comes of it.

    A show recount that will convince the majority of the people is all that is needed since it is the majority of the people are all that need to be convinced. Once the majority are convinced the ones that aren’t just become paranoid nutcases and freaks in the public eye, and are discounted instead of being heard, no matter what the truth is.

  2. MJA, him and SOS Raffensperger. I know Soros is buying state SOS’s, but he didn’t have to pay a dime for Raffensperger. What a steal.

    FWIW, Doug Collins is in charge of the recount. I hope that’s a good thing.

  3. The question is will the audit of election results be thorough enough to weed out the fraudulent votes? If they do a correct audit and find the amount of fraudulent votes being suggested on the ‘net then that would also benefit Perdue, especially if they find enough fraudulent votes that voted for Ostuff, it could push Perdue to over 50% of vote and eliminate a runoff.

    So even if the Georgia SoS is an anti-Trumper or just plain over his head. He would want a thorough audit because it could benefit Perdue as well as Trump, regardless of Perdue calling for the SoS’ head. If the SoS is a career politician, which it appears he is, Georgia is still a Republican majority state and if he screws the recount and audit, it would give ammo to Perdue and friends to oust him. Self preservation is a politicians best incentive. Call me optimistic but the audit is the important factor if done correctly.


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